Chapter Twenty Eight

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28. The Confrontation


I spent the next month, including a very lonesome Christmas day, with my head down the toilet. My symptoms had escalated to where I was constantly feeling nauseous, and I’d get random bouts of fatigue that made me want to just sleep. Blood was something I needed every two hours or so, and I was pretty sure that the servants were getting majorly suspicious of what was wrong with me.

            Oh well.

            My father had been the only one to visit me besides James, and we’d definitely gotten closer. I think he knew about my pregnancy, but his attention span was too short to comment on it.

            I had also found out what had happened to my darling bird, Chrissie.

            “By the way, I wasn’t the only one who saved you that night from PURE,” Dad said suddenly while wiping a cool towel on my burning forehead. Tayla was cuddled up and fast asleep next to me. Tobias glanced at her every now and then, mostly because she looked like a younger, fair-haired version of my mother. He had explained to me that though they hadn’t fully bonded (he never took her blood), his love for her would never fade.

            “What do you mean?” I asked, confused. “I only heard you.”

            “Yes, well, my partner is definitely a sly one. Even more than me.” He laughed loudly. “His name is Nicolas Valentin. (A/N pronounced val-en-teen) You’ll get to meet him this evening.”

            “Is he a vampire like us?”

            “Nah. He’s a guardian.” A guardian? What the hell was that? I voiced my confusion. “They’re almost like gods that are born alongside children every now and then, with the sole purpose to be their companion.”

            “So… He’s like your twin?” I mused.

            “In all ways but blood. Twins run in our family, though. I have twin brothers who are younger than me.” Huh, no kidding. “Anyway, as soon as I learned of your existence three years ago I-”

            “TOBIAS!” a voice cried before bursting into the room. “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME THAT OUR EMILEE ISN’T FEELING WELL?”

            The man that burst into the room was very… green. My vision started swimming in and out of focus as he rushed over to my bed. Tayla stirred beside me.

            “Her fever’s rising,” my father’s worried voice commented.

            “I thought vampire’s weren’t meant to get sick?” the mysterious green man asked.

            “I’m…” I choked out. “I’m pregnant.”

            My dad’s eyes widened. “SINCE WHEN?”

            I jerked up in disbelief, even though I felt bile rising up my throat. “YOU DIDN’T NOTICE? I PURPOSELY SHOWED YOU MY BELLY!”


            “THAT’S SMURF V-V-VOMIT!” I covered my mouth and shot out of the bed with a sudden burst of speed. The only sound in the sudden silence was my retching over the toilet. Someone came over and held back my hair with a sad sigh.          

They Were Expecting A Lady, Instead They Met Me (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now