The (Un)expected Phone

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The extreme discomfort on Sehun made him open his eyes. He blinked a few times before he could see the figure on top of him. He tried to move but his hands were tied behind his back and so were his legs. There was also a cloth tied around his mouth. He wasn't exactly shocked or anything but when his eyes met those of Kai's, then he was surprised.

Kai was writhing uncontrollably on top of him, trying to get him awake for long minutes now and he puffed a relieved sigh when he saw the boy opened his eyes.

There were 2 other men with them but they weren't looking at the boys. They were speaking to the driver at the front through the small slider in some other language that Sehun couldn't understand. Kai shifted his weight to Sehun's legs so that he wouldn't be on his stomach anymore. One of the man noticed and stumbled over in the moving van.

"So you're both awake now. I hope you're not too injured," the man spoke in an oddly accented voice but his Korean was good. He removed the cloth from Sehun's mouth. "I need to know something from you." Kai yelled through the cloth and kept shaking his head. Sehun took it as Kai not wanting Sehun to reply whatever they ask. He looked at the man who stared back at him.

"Yes?" Sehun whispered. Kai was pounding on Sehun's legs with his shoulders.

"Tell me. Why did you come here yourself?" The man asked, sounding intrigued. Sehun wasn't exactly sure how to reply him and Kai was continuously trying to stop him from replying.

"I don't know."

"You... Don't? Such a weird kid. And you, shut the hell up or I'll blow your head off!" The man snapped at Kai while pulling out his gun. This made both boys freeze and even the other man stood up slightly from his seat, hand on gun. "Much better. Now then, do you know why we want you?"

"Of course not. I'm just here in hopes you will let my friend go if I turn myself in," Sehun replied honestly while trying to keep his shaking voice still.

"Your friend? Oh. That boy who almost killed my subordinate. He sure can fight."

"Will you let him go? And him as well now that you have me?" Sehun asked, hoping for a positive reply. He didn't want this to be all for naught. The man chuckled and nodded.

"Of course I'll let this one go if he behaves. But the other... well.. you see, he has overseas connections and this complicates things a little. We weren't actually going to bring him in as hostage but it couldn't be helped since he had a friend over. We will see what your father has to say for the things I want from him."

"My father?" Sehun went silent. What does his father have to do with this? That old fart was in jail. He didn't say anything though. Kai looked confused as well but he couldn't speak with the cloth around his mouth. Sehun thought back to the pictures he saw from the file.

There were definitely pictures of me... alone. Other than that, I was with Kai, Luhan, Lay, Chen.... and Baekhyun. Baekhyun? Could they have messed up... something? Or is it really my father they want to have some unknown revenge on?

The van bumped a few more times before it came to a complete halt and the 2 men got up. The door opened and Kai got dragged out first since he was closer. He tried to fight back but his tied hands and legs didn't help much. Sehun didn't put up much of a fight since he couldn't bring up his energy to do so. He just let the 2 men carry him to wherever they were taking him. It looked like an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere like some cliché kidnapping scene but what made it different was that it was all real to Sehun. The sound of the dried grass as the men stepped over them. The muffled screams from Kai. The static sound from one of the men's transceiver. Sehun watched Kai went full throttle on his struggles and noticed his phone was falling out of his pocket.

"Kai! S-" It was too late. Kai's phone fell onto the grass and that made him stop. The man threw Kai down harshly. He groaned and glared at the man who picked up his phone.

"This will teach you a lesson," the man sneered and snapped the phone into pieces. "You better keep your good ol' manners together or you're going into the river for a swim." The threat rang in both the boys' ears even though it was directed to Kai. Sehun gulped as they passed Kai who went silent. He couldn't help his friend since he wasn't any different with his hands and all.

"It's a good thing you're not so aggressive or else Matt there would blow your head off," the man who had spoke to Sehun earlier chuckled as the other knocked onto the warehouse's door.

A short exchange was given between the rather quiet guy and someone from inside before the doors were creaked open for them to enter.

Sehun could see around 5 other men walking or sitting about the warehouse. It looked like a rather shabby headquarters to Sehun but what caught his full attention was Lay who was tied to one of the poles supporting the building structure. He was unconcious and visibly bleeding.

"My friend is hurt...," Sehun choked his words out, feeling disbelief that they would do that to just students.

"That ain't my fault. He knocked Suelho's lights out and almost broke another one's neck off. They needed to keep him under control after all," the man explained but Sehun could only feel his heart wrenching. Why did something like this had to happen again? Why of all people? It had to be Lay. A loud thump made Sehun look up from his position as he watched Kai being dropped on to the ground. He winced at the sight of his friends.

No! I don't want this. Please stop. Stop hurting them.

The 2 carrying him placed him down gently. Sehun wasn't sure if it was because he was their target or because he behaved properly that they weren't being rough with him but it made him all queasy inside. He should be the one getting all the harshness. Not Lay. And definitely not Kai either. They untied his hands to retie them around a pole opposite from Lay's.

"Will you let Lay go now?" Sehun asked quietly. He didn't want to anger them. The quieter man walked away.

"Well that depends on the boss. See that dude wearing the suit? That's the man you want to please. Rest of us are just hired men." Then he walked away as well. Sehun watched as Kai get dragged to another pole to get tied there as well.

If God exists, please save my friends from this chaos.


A/N : i smell double update~¿ :) cherrios my lovelies~

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