The (Un)expected Outburst

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Sehun ended up at the back of the school again, his usual spot which was hidden from plain sight with overgrown vines covering the broken part of the wall. It was like a mini cave there and the ground was covered with grass as well. He opened his lunch box and Language book that he had brought along to revise. For the first 10 minutes, it was peaceful until he heard the rustling sound of the vines which made him look up. He was surprised to see the smirking boy.

"Found you~ Oh. Se. Hun," Byun Baekhyun said while squeezing himself into the small cave as well. Sehun was slightly claustrophobic but he didn't want that smirking boy to know.
"What do you want?" Sehun snapped while shifting his focus onto his book instead. Anything to get rid of the thought or the fact that he was in a cramped space with the one person who might just ruin his life.

"I just want to know you better and you humiliated me just now so I want payback too," Baekhyun said with a sneer.

"You're just being a kid. Stop bothering me."

"Tsk tsk. Is this how you speak to seniors?" Baekhyun shook his head. "You need to know some manners, sprout." Sehun shut his book and was about to glare at Baekhyun when the elder had already shifted from his sitting position. Baekhyun had moved closer to Sehun. Their faces even closer than before. This set Sehun's heart racing, not because of the distance but the feeling of being unable to move away. He shut his eyes and willed his phobia to settle down. He could feel Baekhyun's breath tickling his ear.

"Too much for you, sprout?" Baekhyun teased while whispering into Sehun's ear which caused him to gasp since as mentioned before, his ear is sensitive. Sehun forced his hands to push Baekhyun away and out from his hiding spot. The grinning boy did move back but not because of Sehun. The bell that signalled lunch break ends had started chiming.

"That was fun. See you around, Hunnie~♡." With a parting kiss blow, Baekhyun walked away, leaving Sehun to let go of his held breath and breathe in fresh air again. Sehun slammed his hand against the brick wall, softly cursing himself for not being able to fight back against his own fear and for allowing Baekhyun to do whatever he wanted to.

Don't get involved. Don't. Please don't.

Sehun gritted his teeth and quickly left with his things. When he entered his class...


He could feel the stares on him. He didn't like it. He hurriedly scuttled to his seat while trying his best to ignore everyone. He needed to block them out again.

"Sehun, are you alright?" Kai asked immediately after he sat down. "Your face.... It's completely red. Are you sick?" Kai placed a hand onto his forehead but Sehun swatted it away.

"I'm fine. Don't. Just don't touch me now. Please ignore me." The rest of the day ended quickly with Sehun's mind wondering off in hopes that the stares would cease. Once the school bell rang, Sehun didn't wait for Kai to talk or anyone else to move. He ran out of class and to the toilet. He looked at his face in the mirror to find it pale red. He washed his face and breathe.
Once he relaxed, he remembered that he had a language lesson with a peer named Tao today. He gave himself one last look in the mirror and exited the toilet. The hallways felt different compared to yesterday when he was still Oh Sehun the random dude. But now he was Oh Sehun the boy whom Byun Baekhyun talked to. He didn't like this AT ALL. Eyes followed him everywhere he walked.

Upon reaching the library, he felt safer. The few people there hardly looked up from their books once they start getting engrossed in it. Sehun took his usual seat and waited for Tao to arrive. As usual, the Chinese boy was always late but this time he came in, panting and fear was written on his face.

"I'm so sorry, Sehun. But I-I can't uh... have anymore lessons with you. I - I'm really sorry," Tao apologized while bowing. Sehun blinked in confusion as he watched the boy rushed out from the library.

Shit. My lessons are going to be in jeopardy too?! This is so not happening today.

Sehun sighed and groaned. Now what? He really wanted to vent out on something. Anything!

"Little China dude left you alone?" Great. The one person he really didn't want to meet now sat down opposite him. Sehun glared at him. Stupid ginning face. Something within Sehun clicked.

"This is all your fault! You should just leave me alone!! I didn't want to get involved with you so why are you doing this to me?! Why are you trying to make my life so fucking hard now?!!!" Sehun snapped and grabbed Baekhyun by his collar, only to realize his actions seconds later. The elder boy was shocked too as neither said a word or even exhaled. Sehun released his hand, snatched his bag up and left. He couldn't take it anymore.

This is dumb. Stupid. Crazy. I keep telling myself not to get involved and now I'm stepping right into the pool of madness. Fuck this. All of this.

Sehun didn't know where he was going. He just walked down the lane away from school and worries temporarily. He needed to cool down but there isn't anywhere for him to do so. He's always kept everything to himself so why did he feel so uncomfortable bottling it all up now?

The world was cruel. Everything he looked at seemed to be smeared with red or black all over. His legs just brought him anywhere until he decided he didn't want to walk any longer and just sat down at the park nearby. He brought his legs up to his chest and laid his head on them. He wanted to cry so badly. Every breath he took seemed to stab him. Every wind that blew past seemed to slap him. He chewed his lower lip, forcing his tears to not flow.

Someone just take my life now.

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