The (Un)expected Story

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Baekhyun was hesitant. He knew he wanted to know more about his junior and why the boy was so against being friends with him. He looked at the number again for the nth time. He can do this. He wants to. He clicked on the number and called. The dial went on for seconds. No one picked up the first call. Baekhyun gulped and went to wash up first. He didn't know he would feel this tense. He barely knew the boy and yet curiosity seemed to engulf him the moment he saw those deep swirling black eyes at the library. Of course, Baekhyun saw him with Do Kyungsoo and he had deliberately dumped the books down on purpose to get the boy's attention but what he didn't expect was for him to appear at the back of the school and helped him stack his fallen books when those gangsters had ambushed him.

Eyeliner freak.. Maybe wearing such thick makeup wasn't such a bad idea. Baekhyun stifled his laughter as an incoming call interrupted him. He exited his bathroom and walked to his phone on the bed. He looked at the caller ID but the number wasn't a registered one so he just picked it up.

"Hello? Who is this?" he asked while wiping his face dry.

"Um... That should my question, mister. I saw a missed call from you and decided to call back.... Did you call wrongly...?" Baekhyun froze for a moment. The voice was heavy with a foreign accent. He looked at his phone and compared the number to the one written on the paper. It was the same.

"No, sir. I did call you. My name is Baekhyun and I'm calling to see if you know Oh Sehun?"

There was silence and Baekhyun wasn't sure if the man was thinking he's crazy. He contemplated whether he should say something or not but before he could, the person replied.

"I do know Oh Sehun. Did he give you my number?"

"Yes. I wanted to ask him about his past and why he wish to suicide but he told me to talk to you instead." Baekhyun heard a sigh over the phone.

"I'm Lay by the way. And I'm Sehun's primary classmate. I guess you must've been really persistent to make someone like Sehun give you my number," the guy chuckled although his voice had a little tensed tone.

"So can you tell me about him?"

"I'll very much like to meet you first, Baekhyun-sshi. I want to see what kind of person are you." Baekhyun gripped his phone tighter. He hardly give off a good first impression. "Can we meet up tomorrow? If it's fine by you."

"Sure. Evening? Do you know cafe xxx?"

"I stay nearby. See you then, Baekhyun-sshi at 3. Have a good night."

"You too, Lay-sshi." With that, the line was cut, leaving a frowning Baekhyun and his chain of thoughts.


He sat impatiently, waiting for anyone foreign looking to walk into the cafe. Baekhyun felt a little dumb since they hadn't say anything about knowing a way to recognize each other. He brushed his hand through his hair a couple times and took a few sips from his iced coffee. It was almost 3 and Baekhyun was already getting impatient. Why did he get so pumped up and come 10 minutes earlier... He looked at his phone. 2.58 pm. He grumbled but waited anyways. He was too curious about Sehun for his own good. He felt a little resemblance when he found out that he wanted to suicide. He was so concentrated in his thoughts that he hadn't notice someone standing at his table.

"Hello," the familiar strange accent greeted Baekhyun who looked up. A rather tall Chinese looking guy stood in front of him with a smile and flashing dimples. Baekhyun stood up at once.

"H-hi. Are you Lay?" He asked and kind of regretted stuttering at his greeting. How nervous is he over being able to get to know a junior's backstory? The guy smiled and nodded. "Please sit. Or order something."

"I'm fine. So what do you wish to know about Sehun?" Lay asked while sitting down. Baekhyun sat down as well and fidgeted slightly.

"What... Uh... What made him suicidal?" Baekhyun managed to form a question but Lay looked slightly surprised.

"Oh Sehun? Suicidal? I've always known him to be strong but suicidal not really." Baekhyun gave Lay's words serious consideration.

"Well... What made you stop being friends?" He asked and Lay's expression fell.

"He told us to stay away. He didn't want us to get hurt because of him."

"What made him say that?" Baekhyun's curiosity was piqued even stronger than before and he couldn't help but feel excited.

"We met during junior high with Xiumin, Chen and a few more cool guys. We were all friendly and real close last time. Even Sehun although he always seemed a little more distant. We would meet up at each other's houses to play but we never went over to Sehun's before so one day we decided to go to his house without telling him. He was always so against us going over anyways," Lay paused and exhaled visibly. His eyes stared down on Baekhyun's drink. His lips quivering slightly.

"Was his house that bad?" Baekhyun gulped. Lay looked up at Baekhyun and sighed.

"It wasn't bad... It was a more horrifying experience for junior high students like us. We had gotten his address from our class teacher and we went in a group of 5 after school ended without him knowing. When we reached, I knocked and the one who opened the door was Sehun. I can still remember how pale his face became but before he could stop us, my friends barged in while I stood at the door, thinking about his expression."

"Sehun was stunned as well but the next moment, he started yelling at us to get out. Everyone was surprised since Sehun doesn't show much expression usually but he sounded so afraid. We didn't understand until we saw that guy... That's right. His father came out from the back with a knife. Sehun had grabbed my sleeve and froze. His father asked who were we and Chen replied Sehun's friends. I can't ever forget that grin his father gave as he held Chen's shoulder. He asked Sehun to let us in but Sehun started protesting and pushing me out, pulling another one of us out at the same time. When he didn't listen to his father, he started swinging the knife right at Chen." Baekhyun started feeling the chills under his skin. His father swung a knife at them...?

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