The (Un)expected Person

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Sehun's jaw almost dropped when he saw the person approaching them with a waving hand. Baekhyun waved back with a huge smile on his face.

"It's been 10 days since I last saw you!!"the boy or Sehun recognized as Luhan said while exchanging hugs with Baekhyun.

"This is the person I was talking about, Sehun. Pretty cute, right?" Baekhyun asked while swinging his hand towards Luhan. Sehun just blinked while Luhan gasped.

"The suicidal boy from yesterday!" Luhan exclaimed, earning stares from their surroundings. Sehun bit his lips when he saw Baekhyun looked at him with wide worried eyes. He hadn't want anyone to know.
"What was that, Sehun? You did what?!" Baekhyun snapped while glaring at him. Sehun felt uneasy. This wasn't how today was supposed to go.

"Hey now, Baekkie. I stopped him anyways. There's no point in getting mad at him without a reason to," Luhan laughed it off and ordered a taro flavored drink. Baekhyun frowned.

"Sorry. Why did you do that?" Baekhyun asked while lowering his voice considerably. Sehun tightened his grip around the drink.

"There's no reason I should tell you," Sehun replied in a whisper while looking away.

"That's true.... but I want to know. Why would you.... want to suicide?" They both fell into silence as Sehun was reluctant to give an answer. Luhan turned back to them with his taco drink in his hand now.

"Lets go somewhere else to talk!" The cheerful boy said while walking in the lead. Sehun clutched his bag.

"I'm going home," he said and went in the opposite direction to go home but Luhan grabbed hold of his bag. Worry was written all over his and Baekhyun's face. Sehun looked into the eyes of people who really cared. They were different from his other 'friends', different from Kai's as well. WHY?

"You won't do anything stupid, will you?" Luhan asked with creased eyebrows.

"What am I? A kid?" Sehun retorted but Baekhyun held onto his shirt this time.

"Just come with us," he said firmly and pulled him again. Sehun didn't know if he wanted to pull back or follow because he doesn't know if he would do something stupid as much as he didn't want to admit to being a kid. He reluctantly allowed Baekhyun to pull him along to wherever they were heading which turned out to be the bench that Sehun was sitting on just the day before when Luhan had more or less dragged him back onto the ground.

Baekhyun was silent and had finished half his drink while Sehun's drink was still rather full since he didn't have the appetite or even thirst to drink. Luhan on the other hand finished his and threw it into the dustbin nearby. The shorter yet older males sat down first while Sehun contemplated his choice.

"Come on. Sit down and let's have a friendly chat," Luhan said with the grin still plastered on his face. Baekhyun was grim but looked at Sehun either ways. Sehun fidgeted before deciding to sit down beside Baekhyun while leaving a visible gap between them.

"Sehun." Sehun didn't turn to look at the voice's owner for he knew it was his senior's voice. The worried tone laced his voice. He stared at the water vapour flowing down his fingers until he saw a hand grab hold of his drink.

"Stop staring at it and look at me," Baekhyun snapped. Sehun frowned and turned his head slightly towards his senior who was clearly unhappy. Why did he ever agree to follow....

"There's no reason for you to suicide. No matter how difficult life is. Because that's just how life is. We all can't just expect it to go our way. If it is, then it should just be our game instead of life. Do you really think dying will get you anywhere? What if you get resurrected or you didn't really die but fall into a coma or SOMETHING else instead?" Sehun just listened to Baekhyun's absurdity.

"That's fine, isn't it? At least I don't have to deal with life," Sehun said in a meaner voice than he expected. Baekhyun bit his lip. The three boys present knew that convincing the youngest would be tough. Luhan stood up and cleared his throat.

"Hey, Sehun. Remember when I told you that you reminded me of someone who was like you? Who wanted to suicide as well? Guess what. That person happened to be your cheerful senior," Luhan said while smiling. "I need to leave now. But do remember that dying may be the easy way out but for some people around you, being gone themselves would be better than your absence." With that, Luhan bade them farewell amd left. Sehun stared at the elder male's back which went out of view after awhile. He looked at Baekhyun who was looking away this time. His hand still on Sehun's drink though.

"You... were like me...?" Was all Sehun could ask. He was surprised. For all he knew, Baekhyun was someone popular and cheerful in school and there wasn't a reason that Sehun knew for him to suicide. Baekhyun sighed and leaned back against the seat. He let out a dry laugh and looked at Sehun.

"Well. Now you know. I did try to suicide too but Luhan was there to save me as well. I don't want to feel that anymore but I know I don't want others feeling this more. That's why I want to know, Sehun. Why... would you want to suicide? You seem fine in school." Sehum gritted his teeth.

This world is just too unfair.

"Sunbae.... My life isn't just something I want others to get involved in. I don't want others to get hurt because of me or for me. It's ridiculous if you think you can help me because the problem with my life isn't me. And you won't understand it unless you witness it like my friends years ago," Sehun muttered while avoiding eye contact.

He took out his phone and looked through his contact. Despite not having Kai's contact, he still had his junior high classmates' numbers. He picked one of them and showed Baekhyun the number. Baekhyun took that as a hint to jot down the number he was showing.

"This guy can tell you what he saw. Why we stopped being friends. And what I meant by not involving anyone," Sehun said and stood up. "I'm going to go home now... and I hope when you understand, you WILL stay away." Baekhyun was left in silence. He didn't stop Sehun from walking off this time.

Sehun took a few sips of his already warm drink and sighed, not knowing what to do with it. He doesn't remember when was the last time he took such an unhealthy drink.

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