Chapter 17 - Hope

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Reyna was worried about Skippy, he was getting weaker and flying lower every second. She didn't know what to do, half the time she was too fatigued to take care of herself, let alone a pegasus too. She just had to hope he would hold out.

Reyna's voice was slurred after whispering in Skippy's ear for so many hours. "You can do it, Skippy," Reyna murmured and collapsed backwards onto his warm back. She let her eyes close, she wanted someone to reassure her that everything would be alright.

Sleep enveloped her like a warm blanket, something that was still the same even after all this time.

Ever since she'd left Camp Jupiter she'd been having dreamless sleep or nightmares. Sleep was an escape from the world around her but it just brought a different kind of terror.

This time when she closed her eyes, something was different. She felt warm, she could hear a voice.

She would have recognised his voice anywhere.

The world around her was black and grey static and there was noise in her ears. She held onto the faint sound of Jason's voice like it was an anchor. It was quiet at first, barely louder than a whisper. Words began to form as the voice grew in volume.

He sounded a little excited and a little sad.

"Reyna," he was saying her name.

This was a good dream, it had been far too long since she'd heard Jason say her name.

She drifted inside the dream, letting the sound of his words carry her.

Then it was as if all the pieces slammed together at once and she jolted awake.

He'd sent her a message.

He wanted her to meet him at Diocletian's palace.

Best of all, he missed her.

Reyna stared up at the sky above her, Jason Grace missed her. For so long she'd been the one missing him.

She rubbed her eyes and sat up straighter on Skippy. She'd been heading towards Diocletian's palace this whole time hoping desperately that he would somehow end up there, that he would remember their dreams of going there one day. And here he was telling her to meet there.

It was all coming together. If she could just survive till then maybe, just maybe they could be together. A little warm spark of hope ignited in her and she smoothed down Skippy's mane.

"He'll be waiting for us," She whispered. "We're going to make it." 

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