Chapter 9 - Stay

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- Reyna -

It was Reyna's fifteenth birthday. She didn't expect anyone to remember.

Reyna did her normal duties at camp and tried to pretend that it was a normal day.

Then it was dinner time.

Reyna walked into the mess hall and immediately loud cheering began. She looked around in amazement. A feast had been set up and a crudely made banner read "Happy Birthday Praetor!"

Reyna smiled, a rare thing for her. She nodded politely at the romans around her. "Thank you everyone."

A cake was placed in front of her as she sat down. This was not a normal thing to happen on birthdays and it was very not roman but Reyna figured that her cohorts had so few times to party that she might as well not ruin the fun.

Jason slid into the seat beside her, trying his best to look innocent.

Reyna elbowed him. "This was all your idea wasn't it?"

Jason laughed guiltily, "Why would you think that?"

"Because everyone else is too scared of me to do anything this crazy on my birthday." Reyna said, raising her eyebrows.

Jason laughed again. "So it was me, what difference does that make?"

Reyna smiled at him, a real smile. "It makes a lot of difference."

When the party was over and the other romans were asleep Reyna sat alone in her cabin, smiling at the wall. She hugged herself and thought about how Jason had danced with her at the party.

There was a knock on the door. Reyna stood up and put on her preator expression. "Who is it?"

Jason opened the door and stepped inside. "It's Jason, and you can drop the praetor act with me."

Reyna smiled and collapsed back onto her bed. "Thanks for the party, I can't remember ever having a party like that before."

Jason smiled, lighting up the whole cabin. He shrugged and sat down next to her on the bed. "You deserved it."

Reyna wasn't so sure about that but she didn't want to ruin the moment so she kept her mouth shut. For a minute the two of them sat there in companionable silence. Then Reyna rested her head on Jason's shoulder.

Jason put his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head. "These praetor cabins can get pretty lonely." Jason said.

Reyna knew exactly what he was talking about. "Do you ever wish you could go back and live with the other cohorts?"

"Sometimes, but then I wouldn't live beside you."

Reyna let herself blush. "That is a bonus."

Jason loosened his hold on Reyna and she pulled away slightly. "You should probably get some sleep." Jason said, pushing a piece of hair out of Reyna's face and tucking it behind her ear.

Reyna was feeling so warm, so at home, so happy. It was a feeling that she didn't get very often and she didn't want it to end. If Jason left it would be just as lonely as it was before.

"Stay." She said impulsively. "Please."

Jason looked as if he'd wanted her to say that all along. "Of course."

He pulled the sofa chair over beside the bed. "I would join you," he said awkwardly, "but I think we're already breaking fifty rules by being in the same room so we probably shouldn't push it."

Reyna laughed and climbed into her bed. Jason was always the perfect model, he really didn't like breaking rules.

Jason curled up on the chair and looked over at her. "You look beautiful." He whispered.

Reyna blushed again and shook the compliment off. "You're a dork."

Jason smiled softly. "You don't have to be lonely again, okay? I'm here for you."

Reyna nodded. "I know."

He reached out his hand and Reyna clasped it in hers, their hands suspended between the sofa and the bed.

"Happy Birthday." He whispered.

Reyna woke up on the back of Scipio. The sun was rising above the ocean and Reyna sat up.

Dreams were mean. The gods were mean. They were just playing with her now.

Making her dream about her past times with Jason was just awful.

Reyna tried to shake off the memories but it was nearly impossible.

At least until an earth shattering roar wiped all the thoughts from her head.

Scipio screamed like only a flying horse can scream.

Reyna herself felt like screaming. A sea monster snaked it's way up from the water into the sky. It roared again and launched itself at Reyna.

Reyna pulled out her gladius and stabbed at the head of the monster. She missed.

The sea monster breathed out fire at Scipio, scorching his wings.

Scipio screamed again, flying slower.

Reyna gritted her teeth and lashed out at the monster. She barely grazed it's neck which just made it more angry.

She looked down at Scipio and his wide, fearful eyes. Reyna patted his head and whispered in his ear, "You with me Skippy?"

Scipio whinnied quietly.

Reyna leapt off his back and into the air.

She raised her gladius above her head and before the sea monster could see what hit it she plunged the gladius into the top of it's head.

The monster gave one more sickening roar before falling towards the sea and evaporating into dust.

Reyna fell through the air. She called to Scipio. "Skippy! I need you!"

Scipio flew down towards her as fast as he could but his wings were damaged and he was growing tired.

Reyna could see the water frighteningly close.

Just as she was about to hit the ocean Scipio swooped down under her. She landed awkwardly on his back and his hooves skimmed the water.

But they were both alive.

"Good boy, Skippy." Reyna said. "Let's go find Jason."



Hey! Just another note to say how happy all these views, votes and comments make me. :)

Every time one of you comment it makes my day. I love every single one of you.

(And I hope you're enjoying the longer chapters because I'm really enjoying writing them.)

[ artwork by viria ] 

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