Chapter 2 - Reunion

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As Reyna spoke her practiced speech she barely even registered what she was saying. She knew she was surrounded by her fellow romans, she knew there was a whole crew of Greeks in front of her but she found it incredibly hard to focus on anything but Jason's electric blue eyes.

He looked so good. The ever present scar above his lip, his perfectly tanned skin, his bleached blonde hair exactly as it should be.

Reyna finally tore her eyes away from Jason Grace and realised he was flanked by two girls. She stopped the flicker of emotion that appeared on her face from being more than a flicker. She morphed her expression back into her hard, preator expression.

Then the blonde girl beside Jason surged forward. Percy ran to her at the same time. The whole crowd tensed around Reyna. Reyna only watched. This must be Annabeth. A spurt of longing ran through Reyna's heart as Annabeth and Percy shared a kiss. The corners of Reyna's mouth twisted upwards ever so slightly as Annabeth slammed Percy into the ground in a perfect judo flip.

She must have missed him just as much as Reyna had missed Jason.

When the two got up from the ground sheepishly, Jason spoke. "Yeah, it's good to be back."

Reyna took a tiny step forward. Her stupid heart was beating faster than it should have been.

Jason's blue eyes met hers. He took an almost imperceptible step towards her.

Go meet the Greeks, you're being inhospitable. A voice in her head urged. Only Reyna was afraid she might do something stupid in front of Jason. She'd missed him so much.

In the months he'd been gone Percy had helped out but every time she looked at Percy Jackson's sea green eyes she was reminded of how he wasn't Jason. Her Jason.

The girl on Jason's other side stepped up. "You must be Reyna." She said, her multicolored eyes glittering with something like resentment. Reyna couldn't help noticing how beautiful the girl was, despite her uneven, choppy hair and ratty clothes.

"This is Piper." Jason said, finally speaking to Reyna. Piper smiled in a bewitching kind of way.

Reyna didn't like the way Piper was looking at Jason.

"Welcome to Camp Jupiter." Reyna said formally. Trying not to let any of her mixed up feelings into her voice. She was strong. She was roman. She was the leader of the entire camp. She didn't have time for silly feelings.

Jason took a step closer, glancing over at Percy and Annabeth who were once again sharing a kiss.

"I- uh..." Jason attempted, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. Reyna caught the glare Piper was giving her over Jason's shoulder, though he seemed to be blissfully unaware. "How are you?" Jason ended looking slightly flustered.

Reyna felt herself almost smiling again. She wanted to say Better, now you're here. But she only said "fine." She'd lost count of how many times she'd avoided people's questions with the simple word fine.

Jason looked like he didn't believe her. Reyna almost felt glad, he'd always been the only one to see through her mask.

Nearby Octavian was saying something and everyone began to move towards the welcome feast.

Jason didn't move. He stared at her like he was seeing her for the first time. "Did Percy do a good job while I was gone?" He finally asked.

Reyna felt herself relaxing. "Surprisingly he wasn't too bad."

Jason frowned.

"Everyone missed you though." Reyna blurted, making sure to put emphasis on everyone.

Jason smiled, his golden boy smile that made Reyna want to be closer to him. They fell at the back of the line of Romans making their way to the forum.

Reyna couldn't stop herself from glancing over at Jason. He met her eyes and his hand slipped into hers exactly as it used to. A shiver ran up Reyna's arm but she didn't pull away.

"Nothing's changed, Reyna." Jason said softly.

Reyna's heart lept at the thought but something in her felt like nothing would ever be the same as it was before Jason left.

"We'll talk later." Reyna said, making sure her voice had its usual strength in it.

Jason nodded as they entered the forum.

Reyna remembered the last time she'd heard those words.

It had been the night before Jason's disappearance.



Hi!! *waves*

 This is the first fan fiction I have ever written so I hope it isn't too horrible. Please comment your thoughts on my story and how I can improve it! 

Thank you for reading :)

[ art by viria ] 

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