Chapter 14 - Gladly

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- Jason -

"You are supposed to fall in love with my daughter."

Jason frowned at the woman in front of him, she was so beautiful it hurt to look at her straight on. She flickered like a dying lightbulb, one minute a dark and imposing figure, the next braids in her hair and feathers.

Jason looked away, "Luckily I don't care who I'm supposed to fall in love with."

"I don't like your attitude, what happened to the perfect praetor that you used to be, Jason Grace?" Aphrodite's voice was sharp.

"I was never perfect."

"No, but you could've been. Married to my daughter, you would have been so powerful, so loved. And you threw it all away on some tramp who fluttered her eyelashes at you," Aphrodite tutted.

Jason's hands formed fists. "Reyna is the most powerful demigod at Camp Jupiter, you and I both know that."

It was taking everything inside of him to not punch Aphrodite in her perfect face.

"Maybe, but Jason, this isn't about power, or even who you may fantasise to love. This is about what the gods have planned for your future."

"I don't care what the gods have planned," Jason spat.

"You should," Aphrodite's voice was beginning to fade. "We are far more powerful than you mortals, you know that. Your life will be hell if you go against us."

"So I'm just supposed to sit and watch you decide my life for me?" Jason could hear his voice growing louder.

"Exactly. And we've decided that you belong with Piper."

The dream flickered and sputtered out, Jason sat up in his bed.

He'd heard the horror stories, he knew what horrible things happened to those who defied the gods. For a split second he imagined what it would be like to fall for Piper.

It would be a lie, it would be leading Piper on, and he could't do that. He knew what he felt and he knew he wasn't in love with Piper McLean.

But Jason wasn't about to lead Reyna into a life of misery and suffering, he wanted her to be happy. He would continue on with the plan and when he saw Reyna again he would try and discourage her from staying with him. But if she refused to leave, (oh, how wonderful it would be if she refused) then Jason would gladly take his chances with the gods.

He would gladly do anything to get Reyna back, who cares what the gods thought. Jason would plan his own life.

Jason climbed out of bed and got dressed. It took him a while to locate Nico, who seemed to not want to be found.

Nico was sitting, hugging his knees in a dark corner of the deck, watching the sea. He didn't look at Jason or acknowledge his presence.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind helping me out with something?" Jason asked.

Nico nodded absentmindedly.

Step one of Jason's master plan was complete.



Hey, you guys want to hear a story?

So I was diligently working on one of my novels two weeks ago when my Dad spilt olive juice on my laptop. I ran around like a headless chicken, towelling it down and trying to salvage my poor computer. I left it to dry for 72 hours (like Google said) but it wouldn't turn on.

I lost everything on my laptop, including a whole novel and all the work I had done on this fan fiction. So if the story starts to go in a weird direction, I apologise because I'm having to start again with pretty much nothing.

Moral of the story: BACK UP EVERYTHING. Also don't let your Father near your laptop with olives.


Keep up the comments, I love hearing your opinion on this fanfic and if you have any requests, feel free to leave them in the comments, I'll try my best to make you all happy! :)

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