Chapter 13 - Love

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- Piper -

Piper didn't know where she was. Her surroundings were unfamiliar and tinged with pink.

The anger began to boil up inside of her as she turned and faced her mother.

"Aphrodite," Piper spat.

"Piper! How lovely to see you again!" Aphrodite smiled. It was hard to look at Aphrodite straight on, her face was so beautiful, crystal blue eyes and white blonde hair. People said she appeared differently to everyone, to Piper she was always blonde and blue eyed.

"What do you want? As you might be able to tell, we're kind of trying to save the world for you right now." Piper crossed her arms defensively.

"Am I not allowed to visit my daughter?" Aphrodite pouted prettily.

"No. Not unless you tell me why you ruined my only relationship. Jason and I were so happy!"

"You were, you were so perfect for each other," Aphrodite sighed.

"So why did you make him fall in love with Reyna!" Piper was trying to keep her voice steady but it was becoming harder and harder.

"He wasn't supposed to, it was in the fates for him to be with you."

Piper laughed humourlessly, "Yeah, sure."

"You were supposed to be star crossed lovers, a Roman with a Greek, it was unheard of and so beautiful," Aphrodite sighed again, one hand over her heart.

"So why aren't we? You're the goddess of love!"

"Oh I tried, we all tried very hard, but something went wrong," Aphrodite frowned. "It was almost like when I tried to mess with Percy and Annabeth and they kept getting back together, I threw him Rachel, I threw him Calypso, yet he still defied me and fell for that daughter of Athena."

"Um, back to Jason, please?" Piper was getting impatient.

"Oh yes, well I put you two together, and Jason keeps running away." Her image flickered and Aphrodite grimaced, "I have to go."

"What? Tell me how I can fix this?" Piper reached for her mother.

"You can't, Jason and Reyna cannot be trifled with, and I've tried." Aphrodite flickered again.

"Please?" Piper wanted to cry, was it stupid to be this upset over just a boy.

"I'll talk to Jason and see what I can do -" Aphrodite's voice cut off and she disappeared.

Piper woke up.

She lay in her bed thinking. She replayed all the great times with Jason over and over in her head.

When he'd flown around, carrying her.

When they'd fought side by side.

Every tiny conversation together.

When he'd said she looked beautiful.

Every time he'd smiled at her.

Being the daughter of Aphrodite was hard, you were expected to fall in love, you were born with love coursing through your veins, you loved ten times harder than anyone else. And when your heart was broken, it hurt so much more. 



Thank you guys so much for 1K reads!! I never thought this little fanfic would get this far, I'm so happy to see so many Jeyna shippers out there!

Also I just want to say thank you to those that comment and vote, I really appreciate it, I love hearing what you think about my story.  :) 

Love you guys so much!

[ artwork by viria ] 

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