Chapter 3 - Fine

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Reyna couldn't sleep. 

She had a horrible feeling in the pit of her stomach, like something bad was going to happen. She'd taken off her praetor cape and armor and wore only jeans and a purple t-shirt. Reyna wandered about the forum checking that everything was in order. Maybe she was just being jumpy.

"Hey." A voice said softly behind her.

Reyna spun around to see Jason Grace, also wearing jeans and a purple t-shirt. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked, coming towards her.

Even in the dark he looked tauntingly good looking with his perfect blonde hair.

Reyna nodded. "Something feels off."

Jason glanced around him suspiciously. "I noticed it too. I- I came to see if you were okay. You weren't in your cabin so I thought maybe something had happened to you." He looked both concerned and relieved at the same time.

"I'm fine." She said stupidly, he could obviously see that.

Jason smiled, lighting up the night.

They'd sat there, cross legged, knees touching, for what seemed like hours just chatting and laughing about what stupid things Octavian had done lately.

But when Reyna began to feel like sleep wasn't such a bad idea after all the horrible feeling in her stomach returned.

Jason seemed to notice the change in her attitude. "Everything is going to be okay." He said, smiling at her again. He surreptitiously reached for her hands and clasped them in his.

Tingles ran up Reyna's spine. Jason Grace tended to have that effect on her. All the barriers she'd worked so hard to build came crashing to the ground when she was around him.

"Whatever happens, I'm here for you." Jason said, his voice growing softer. One of his hands cupped her face.

Reyna forgot how to breath. He was so close. The reasonable half of her brain was telling her not to let her do this. They were the praetors, leaders of the camp, they had a reputation to uphold.

Every reasonable thought left her mind as Jason Grace, the one that never broke any rules, the angel of the legion tilted her head up and kissed her.

It was short but beautiful and Reyna didn't resist. The moment was absolutely perfect.

Except as soon as it was over the feeling that something bad was going to happen returned.

Jason drew away from her. "I-I'm sorry." He said awkwardly.

Reyna's mind was spinning. "It's okay," she said, standing up. "We can talk about it later. I just need some time to think."

Jason nodded, his eyes full of something Reyna had never seen before.

"Goodnight." he said, smiling.

"Goodnight." Reyna answered, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was saying goodbye. Every inch of her was yearning to run back and kiss him one more time. Instead she walked slowly back to her cabin.

The next morning Jason was gone. 


[ artwork is by burdge bug ] 

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