Chapter 1 - Memories

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Jason sat alone in his cabin at Camp Half Blood. He knew the Argo II was being built as quickly as possible. But it wasn't fast enough. 

Lately he'd been spending a lot of time alone in the Zeus cabin. Remembering. Now that he had his memories back all he could think about was the girl he'd left behind at Camp Jupiter.


Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano

Pictures of her dark eyes and even darker hair flickered through Jason's mind. Memories of all the time they'd spent together. The feeling of holding her in his arms. He remembered living in the second praetor's house, the one right next to Reyna's. He remembered how sometimes they'd had sleepovers, or cooked breakfast together. Just little things that now seemed to mean a whole lot more. 

Was Reyna looking for him as desperately as Annabeth was looking for Percy Jackson? 

Jason suddenly felt a tidal wave of homesickness. He wan't to be back at Camp Jupiter, where he could talk to Reyna about anything, anytime. 

He missed her so much. They had never been separated for this long ever since Reyna had arrived at Camp Jupiter. It felt wrong. 

It felt wrong to be stuck here without her. 

Jason couldn't wait to leave.


The Greeks were coming. Reyna would see Jason again. 

But there was a terrified feeling in the bottom of her stomach that was convinced Jason had found someone else. 

Percy had mentioned many girls at Camp Half Blood. What if Jason liked them better than her? Those girls probably wore dresses, and even make up. Reyna didn't. 

Reyna took a deep breath and shoved all the bad feelings away. She couldn't dwell on this, it was only making her upset. 

Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano did not get upset. She was strong. She was the head praetor at the camp and she could handle anything. 

Even if Jason didn't remember her.


(Sorry about this really short chapter, the next one is going to be way longer.)

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