chapter 15

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(Why does everyone think this is over is getting close but bro i always end my books )

Be dave ===>

It's been about a month now. You ,John, jake, and dirk were going to move out of Texas and head to Washington. Where you all can settle in peace. John was very happy selling the drugs he had. By the time the bag was half empty john was able to by a 10 thousand dollar car. Yes it was sad to leave all your friends but hey you couldn't help but want to live with your john and dirk his crazy ass jake. Who by the way is on some loon pills that make him have 50% sanity other than the 4% he had. He still wanted to be carried around on dirks back. dirk was going to be an engineer for this computer company up in Washington.

" dave we are leaving" john called from the door. You got up going to him

"Okay be careful and don't let jake drive" you said kissing john lightly

" i won't" he said smiling

" hey i'm a good driver" jake said in defense

" sure you are babe just don't want to draw any attention to you" dirk said kissing jakes face all over.

" i still don't see why we have to go before you guys " john huffed upset.

" we are still being watched if we leave with you it may get us all in trouble " you said kissing him once more.

" fineee" john said upset taking his bag off the floor. You smile at him as you put a hate on his head.

"cutie " you said giving him one last kiss. John smiled happy heading down stairs

" i don't wannaaaa gooooo dirrrkkk" jake whines as dirk tried to cover his face up.

" you have to jake" dirk said to him

" but i wanna be with you if any cops come and say shit i will kill emmmmm " jake said whining

" what did we say about killing?" Dirk said stopping the attempt to hide jakes face.

"..... we will never kill again if we ever wanna get laid again " jake said in a mumble calming so dirk can hide his face.

" good boy now go with john be good okay see you in a 3 days" dirk said kissing jake before jake picked up his things and left.

" really dirk that lil no kill saying?"you asked him as you got boxes for your stuff.

" shut up it works" dirk said doing the same. You both spend the rest of the day and some of the next day packing/ eating. You both got your last sleep before you closed up that shit apartment for the last time heading to the moving van.

Dirk was driving the van as you were going to drive dirks car to Washington.

" dave" dirk said

" i know i know 1 scratch and it's my head i get it" you said taking the keys

" good" dirk said hopping in the van. You pull out the driveway and start your 30 hour drive.

You and dirk had little radios so if you need to pee you let the other know.

Which happened a shit tone cuz dirk had the bladder of a 5 year old in cars sometimes. You never understood it he can go like 3 days without needing to pee at home but as sooooon he steps into a car it's every 2 hours. But hey you didn't mind you can stop and get food or energy drinks and gas.

You could both tell the difference from the states. You both started out with ace then slowly changed to heat as you got more north. it was gonna be a long car ride.

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