chapter 1

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Be jake English  ===>

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Be jake English ===>

You let out a spin chilling giggle as you slipped out of the prison sewage system.
" aahh freeeshh air" you giggled jumping down.
" you mean fresh shit?" Your cousin john said behind you as he stepped out as well.
" oh shut it we are out aren't we" you snapped at him.
" it's your fault we were put in " john said back stretching
" I couldn't help myself he was sooo mean and I figured no one would miss him" you said pouting.
" your emotions are all over the place like normal " john said sighing
" SHUT UP I'm perfectly fine now lets go we are in a new town and well " you giggled coldly
" I wanna get to know the locals" you finished with a cocky smirk as your cousin sighed behind you.

Be dirk ===>

It was about 8 am on a Saturday. You were currently driving your little brother to his job interview.
Yes you both like to sword fight but you want him to start to make his own money just in case your not around anymore to watch him.
" dave ...dave!" You said jerking the car to a stop to wake dave who was asleep drooling on the car door.
" HUH what?!" Dave flew up. Disoriented.
" we are here" you told him pointing to the music store.
Dave nods before getting out the car going inside.
You park the car to wait for dave. You were told it would take between 30 minutes to an hour. You might as well get some coffee to stay awake.
You got out the car locking it. It was your pride and joy. Your orange classic American muscle car. You look at it a bit with a smile before placing the keys in your pocket. You walked to the end of the street where the coffee shop was located. You walked in getting your coffee black and got one of the popular coffee's for dave. He would like that you figured so you waited in line to overhear some girls conversation.
" have you heard about the 2 convicts that escaped from the prison last night? " one of the snobby white girls said.
" oh my god yes! Aren't they brothers or something or was it cousins? " the other one what was clearly the dumb one replied.
" yeah they were cousin's and like I hear the older one has done 17 murders well those are the ones they know of" the some what smarter lady said.
" oh shut up no human can kill that much" the dumb one said.
" well he isn't human anymore he has been sent to jail 4 times and they haven't put him on death row is because he is sick in the head. His cousin is thrown in jail with him well for credit card fraud and smuggling a criminal." The smart one said.
" well he had to make a living some how if I was a shop owner I wouldn't want a cousin of a wanted criminal working for me at all" the dumb one said.
" I also hear the older one Prays on nice looking people. all his victims have been hot, tall and blonde " she said making the other gasp.
" I'm all of those things oohh now what do I do" the dumb one said making you tune out the convocation. Just on time your order was done and the man hands you it. You left your change in the tip jar cuz you hate loose change for some reason. You made your way back to you car as you see a man examining it.
" um may I help you" you making the man look up. He almost took your breath away. He had tan skin with bright emerald green eyes. Holy hell was he hot.
" oh I just wanted to see whooo~ owned this beautiful car" he said with a thick British or Australian accent that just stabbed you like a hungry kid eating cake on his birthday.
" well it's mine, who are you?" You asked hoping to get a name.
" that's for me to know and you to fantasize about so you don't have anything hooked up to this doll do you? I....really.....really hate...when people put things on such...a beautiful car...." he said almost sounding deadly.
" naw... she is the same shape as I got her in I wouldn't dress her up like some doll at all" you said speaking the truth the air felt a little thick.
" OH golly that's good I was afraid you were going to become one of the other's " the man said looking up at you with a smile.
" other's? " you questioned making the man giggle.
" the other people that have made me mad is all ahahah I wouldn't want you to end up on that list. You seem interesting none the less I will be going now have a lovely day chap and oh I recommend you get green with that orange it goes together quite well if you ask me" he said walking away from you.
" wait what list are we talking about here?" You asked making the man stop. He turned just enough so you could see the side of his face.

" the dead list"

his eyes were cold mixed with insanity his smile stretching to his ear.
" Just kidding " he then giggled.
" ahaha you were soo fooled you should of seen your face" his giggle turned into laughter.
" yay..yay by now " you huffed getting in the car . The man waved innocently at you as you drove off with the coffee in your lap.
You parked by the music shop waiting for your brother to exist the shop. When he walked out to see your car he jogged over getting in.
" sooooo?" You asked handing him his coffee.
" I got the job" he said smiling sipping the coffee.
" good job that's a good strider" you said putting the car in drive.
" now you can pay me back for all those years of taking care of you" you said with a smirk.
" you can go fuck yourself with that shit I was a no refund package with a no payback fee" your brother said sipping his coffee.
" then I will be taking that" you said snatching the coffee from him without making a mess.
" hey, hey, heeeeyyyyy give it back " he whined making you chuckle handing it back.
" did you hear about the convicts?" Dave asked you.
"Yeah all I know is if they try any funny shit with me or you they won't be going to jail but a morgue " you said simply driving with one hand as your sip your coffee.
" yeah but they sound pretty cool though " dave said sipping his.
" I guess they just better stay away from us, I don't like to much drama" you said pulling up to your apartment building.
" yeah...I hope" dave said getting out the car.

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