chapter 2

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Be dirk ===>

You couldn't get the man with the emerald green eyes from yesterday out of your head. You told dave about the encounter with him and he just laughed at you saying " wow you meet him one day and you already wanna get that ass?" . Daves a little shit is what he is. The man who you didn't even know the name of was definitely not capturing your heart.
" I didn't even see if he had a nice ass" you mumbled laying in you bed trying not to pout you didn't get his number.

It was about 12 am on a Sunday and you wanted to sleep in but your stomach who wanted to be an asshole told you to feed it. So you got up rubbing your hair not even caring about your shades. You shuffle out into the living room to the kitchen not minding the swords or anything. You just try and find food which was next to impossible.
" fuck man why does this world hate me" you mumbled going to your room to throw on clothing with your shades. You might as well go out to shop for food while dave is at his first day on the job. The idiot was so happy he got a job he told them he could start right away.
You fix your hair and shades getting your car keys. You made your way down to your car, getting in, driving down to the market where you parked it.
When you walked in you grabbed a basket to lazy to push a cart.
You picked up the necessary items like oil for your swords so they don't rust, apple juice for dave orange for you, 4 big bags of Doritos, some packages of soup and something sweet to eat on the way back home. You were walking out of the candy section to get stopped by the mother of all ass. In line with another small boy. The younger boy looked like he was giving a quiet lecture to the man in line. You got in the self-check out section .
You start to scan your items until you heard a familiar giggle.
You looked up as you scanned your last item to see the man from yesterday was the owner of that ass. He was looking at you and when he saw you look up at him he gave you a wink before he left his cousin to go outside.
You quickly finish your transaction before you grabbed your bags going out to see him leaning on a wall with a smirk.
" you's not nice to stalk people " he said with a small chuckle.
" I wasn't. I live right up the hill and I was hungry and the house had no food" you defend yourself. The man pushed himself off the wall still smirking.
" have I ever told you that you look hot?" He said making you just kinda stop working.
" oh? Really?" You asked trying to hold back anything embarrassing. How this man can make your normal confident self that can make any man or lady drip turn into a blubbering fool was something else.
" well I should be going my cousin doesn't like me talking to strangers" he said going back to walk inside.
" hey wait can I have your name or number? something? " you asked hoping to get at least a step closer to your new found goal with him.
"..hmmm..... you can call me jake anndddd you can meet me at the corner of G street for a date but if you agree your paying " jake giggled a bit.
" deal I will pay for anything you order or want" you said serious.
" can't buy yourself there dear sorry, but see you around 8 then " he said walking off into the store again.
You walk back into your car closing the door before having a little celebration.
"Maybe the universe doesn't hate me" you said pulling out driving home.

Be jake ===>

"JAKE! I SAID NO SHOP LIFTING " john your cousin yelled at you. God he is so bossy for a 16 year old.
" I didn't! I swear!" You said lying making john close the hotel door behind him giving you the 'that's bullshit and you know it' look.
" fine fine " you said dumping out your jacket to show random things especially a lighter.
" what am I going to do with you! Your like A HOMICIDAL 5 YEAR OLD " john yelled annoyed.
You just shrugged " heeyyy i'm not 5 i'm 9 get it right" you said with a cocky grin messing with him.
" you never understand what we are into! Your 19! If I wasn't sent to you cuz of my dads death you would be dead by now you fucked up my future with your being related to me and your murder crap. I cant get a job so I have to basically steal from the government so we can't stay in one fucking place for to long and to top it off -" john was in the middle of yelling at you when he caught sight of people's wallets that you might have stolen.
".....jake... your giving me ...a headache. ..." john said annoyed going to the bathroom to cool off.
You just giggle flopping on your bed going through the wallets.
" that's 12 food gift cards
3 master cards
4 debit cards
And 3 credit cards
Anndd about 200$ in cash" you said happily as you get the laptop you stole as well. You start to run the cards through a well...secret computer program your friend installed for you a long time ago before he tried to sleep with john.
Now he is dead.
After awhile your computer gets into the bank accounts of the people and you transfer any available Money to a non traceable card that is your own. You were happy cuz it seems in this town people keep more that 2000$ in their bank account making it a load of cash for you. After you took all the money off the cards you cut them up throwing them in the garbage disposal turning it on.
" wonder what that would do to a hand....." you said watching it spin and spin.
You sigh going over to your laptop to close it putting the cash and food cards back in your wallet.
" ohh look at the time I should be going" you said picking up your trusted knife. You can't wear your beloved twin pistols on a date! Even if you planned on killing the fella you wouldn't do it with a gun, in a public place. You knock on the door to the shower.
" bye john i'm going out I won't get in trouble." You said putting your ear to the door. You heard soft snoring from john. The poor boy always falls asleep in the warm water it did cause a few problems in jail but nothing you didn't fix with a snap of a neck bone.
You quickly left the apartment building heading to where you said you would meet the blonde boy ohh he doesn't know what he is getting into.

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