chapter 12

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be Dirk ===>

you told john where you hid jake.  he was located in a small cabinet in the med room.  you couldn't walk because of your leg having a bullet hole in it. you and dave were in pretty bad shape and not to mention dave is just lost that john was a killer too and a really good actor.  

you heard someone come down the steps.

"john?"   you called out squinting trying to see in the dim light.

" how you got jake in that cabinet is beyond me" john said  walking over jake asleep on his back. he had some med stuff with him for your leg and some for dave.  he laid jake down  before coming over to look you over. 

" you need medical attention" john mumbled to both you and dave . 

" well we can't actually get that you know without you both being taken back to jail." dave said   looking  at jake.

" well actually no you both are seen as unknown. you could be hostages or helpers " john said looking at dave.

"  with your wounds it would be easy to say you both were kept as hostages till that man came" john said

" it would be a lie yes that's all right " john added with a small giggle. he went over to find the dead assholes phone dialling 911. he put the phone to your ear.

" hello what is your emergency, " this lady said over the phone.

" I have been shot my name is Dirk strider I am one of the hostages Jake English took." you said sounding in pain.

" sir where is Jake English and his cousin"

" I don't know! they killed this officer  guy then they left me and my brother" you said  looking at john and jake

" I got your cellphone  signal on my screen sir stays tight we will be there soon," she said 

" we in the basement, " you told he before she ended the call. 

" well, we have to go now by, " john said picking jake up  on his back.

" wait for john   where are you gonna go?" dave said worried about him. 

" somewhere " was what he said before he left with jake. 

within about 10  minutes  police officers and EMT's came running down the stairs with their flashlights on. they had dogs with them as they  ran over. they  made sure the room was safe  before they brought the stretchers down. you asked if they would take dave first as they did. they set dave in it strapping him in  taking him up. this lady made sure you weren't gonna die.

" your nervous is this your first job?'' you asked her as she kept the pressure on your leg.

" yes sir it is but do not  worry I was the top of my class I will make sure you are safe," she said making you laugh.

"I wasn't worried but school does not teach you about the real thing you are in for a surpirse if you think you are ready," you said to her as they came down with a second strecher.  she smiled at you as she helped you on it.   they took you to the  ambulance outside. the lights hurt your eyes.   they set you in the truck as they  start to give you shots and  many disifectants. they gave you and iv. you stayed quiet through this   till they got you to the hospital. you were scilent  as they rushed you to the operating room. your head was spinning from the drugs and lose of blood.   you opened your eyes to see  figures  moving around saying things.  they put something on your face that made you wanna sleep.  you thought of one thing before you passed out. 

""when will i see you again""

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