chapter 9

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( not 100% edited but im busy soo deal please )

be dave===>

" you sure john?'' you asked in a hushed tone

" ye-yeah" he said back with a soft stutter

" you sure?" you asked again sweating

" just do it !" john said in a whisper-shout

" fuuuckkk" you said as the house made of cards came tumbling down.

" NNNNNnnnnnOOOoooo" john huffed in defeat

" that's your fault man," you said throwing your card.

" wwwwAAAaaaAAsss noooot" john playfully pouted.

you just sigh bending down to pick the cards up. it's been quiet for the past few days. you would see Dirk giving jake piggyback rides to places. Jake is like a big homicidal 5-year-old. Dirk thinks he is the cutest and hottest thing. Jake can go from bottom bunk, cute and innocent kid to homicidal lustful bottom bunk.

" noooonononon" jake said from outside as he ran away from dirk.

" jake seems happy with him.....thank you," john said shuffling over to give you a hug. you let him wrap his arms around you so he could snuggle his face in your chest.

" don't thank me thank my brother ," you told him hugging him slightly.

" but I'm gonna thank you," john said with a giggle.

" well don't, " you said stopping his hug.

" awwwwww moment over, " jake said looking at the both of you as he walked into the kitchen. John blushed as he ran away from you to go hide in his room.

"See you and john are better off than before " dirk said walking up to you

" I guess not as well off as you and jake I see " you huffed a bit.

" he is just so cute man he is like so creative and just have to get past the crazy homicide part " dirk said watching jake make food.

" do you think...." you said

" yes I am positive this is the nicest he has ever been treated. He is a human and he is seen as a monster because of effects of his childhood. His father was well extremely abusive and now jake's murders are on people who abuse something " dirk said with a soft smile

" I did research and I really believe I can fix jake I have already got him to open up " he said walking over to jake leaving you alone.

Be jake ===>

" Gotta turn the oven on 350° then you gotta wait wait " you mumbled to yourself as you got dinner ready.

" poison it " jacob said in your head.

You chose to ignore him. He is always trying to kill people it really sucks sometimes when you're trying to make friends and he makes you shot them in the face.

" he is too close to use he isn't right....he works for them.....he is going to betray you...he is going to be the one to lock you back in that basement " jacob said again.

You shake your head at the thought of that basement. You went to go chop up the vegetables for dinner when dirk came up behind you and hugged you. He held you tight as he nuzzled a bit in your neck. You couldn't help feel....this....warm feeling in your chest....was he trying to kill you? Is this a murder tactic?

" need any help with dinner my English muffin" dirk asked making you laugh a bit.

" you try and hide from when your father did" jacob said

" we both know the horrors of what he did to you was.... " jacob added

You shake your head of the thought

" yes caannn you put the beef in the sauce to cook slow?" You asked. Dirk nods doing just that.

As you cooked something felt wrong something or someone was watching and you couldn't get the feeling away.

" somethings not right.....jake you poppycock little fuck stop playing house now " jacob said

You ignore his ramblings as you went on with diner. You soon called everyone out. John said his normal thank you dave as well dirk gave you the normal kiss on the head and a hug. You find yourself wanted to do good things to get more kisses on the head but you don't know why you just want them they make the warm fuzzy feeling come back.

Everyone ate the normal
"That was great thanks jake" from dave
" that was delicious thank jake" from John

" that was really good jake" from dirk with another kiss on The head.

" listen to me you ignorant little child " jacob said angry

You didn't listen to him you went straight to your room to get in the shower. The water felt nice on your skin

" Im fucking warning you" jacob said

You continued with the shower feeling so good. As you washed. You looked at the floor where the water rushed down the drain. It slowly got a pinkish color till it was completely red. You blink a few time but you found yourself in the old basement wall torn down , spider webs, pipes exposed, no windows, one light bulb .

You were naked as your father sprayed you with a hose. He was washing off your blood from his last beating.

Fear sparked in your heart as you. Quickly ran out of the shower almost falling on your ass but you couldn't help it. Your breathing picked up as your hands started to curl up. You started having an anxiety attack. Tears fell from your eyes as you tried not to freak out.

Dirk came running into your room. He sees you having the panic attack so he slowly made his way over to you. He talked in a soft tone.

" jake hey it's me dirk hey ima come a little closer okay" he said as you let him get close. Your heart was racing your eyes darting around till dirk wrapped his arm around you.

You almost instantly cling to him as you felt a sense of safety. In minutes your breathing and heart rate returned to normal as he held you.

" here " dirk said grabbing some clothing off the end of the bed. He helped you get dress.

" I warned you jake....I hold those memories from you.....just remember that when you wanna try and ignore me" jacob said once again.

" hey's all right you know I here what happened " dirk said as he stood up pulling you with him so he could rock hug you.

" I just had a memory I wished I forgot. ..." you said hugging him

"Well it's okay no one can hurt you now" dirk said smiling. He gave you a kiss on the head once more making the warm feeling spark.

" say...dirk.. " you said shyly

"Yes jake?" Dirk replied

" I " you were about to answer when I gun shot rang out and a sharp pain ran through your leg.

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