Chapter Six: Cato

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Chapter Six:

Cato's POV 


"GOOD MORNING, CATO!" Alexis shouted, as she flipped the couch I was sleeping on over to wake me up.

"Really, Alexis? That's how you choose to wake me up?" I snapped, narrowing my eyes.

She snickered and folded her arms across her chest.

"Awwwww, does poor little Cato have a problem?" she teased, laughing even harder than before.

I scowled. "Yeah, Alexis, I do. In case you were unaware, people don't like to wake up flipped over on the floor."

"Reaaaallly...? Well, isn't that interesting.... Anyway, you and the other tributes are needed in the training room, ASAP. We're doing a different kind of training today."

"Joy," I mutter under my breath as Alexis makes her way to the Training Center.


"Is it just me... or does something seem to be missing?" Alia asked as we entered the Training Center, face to face with the other District Two tributes and Alexis.

Sure enough, the room had been cleared of the dummies.

"Uh, Alexis, how are we supposed to train if there aren't any dummies?" I snap.

"Good morning, everyone!" Alexis exclaimed, ignoring me.

I snorted.

Clearly, I was the only tribute she hated...

"Today, you will not be training with the dummies, as all of ours have been destroyed...." Alexis said and then coughed, "Thank you, Cato," under her breath.

The other tributes chuckled.

"So, today, you'll be training the old-fashioned way... by weightlifting, running... and some hand-to-hand combat."

I could tell by the annoyed look on Alia's face that she was clearly unhappy with the idea of weightlifting and running.

"Ladies first."

Alia and the other girl tribute, Clove, stepped forward.

I had seen Clove training before. She had perfect aim when it came to throwing knives. However, without clutching a dozen knives in one hand, she was defenseless.

Completely unarmed, Clove swung for Alia, and missed as Alia had ducked and knocked Clove out from under her feet.

Alia smirked as Clove jumped up from the ground and attempted to kick Alia's shin. Alia, with her cat-like reflexes, jumped out of the way and kicked Clove in the throat, sending her back onto the ground.

Clove huffed, leapt up once again, and threw herself toward Alia, trying to tackle her.

Alia, however, simply stuck her foot out and tripped Clove, sending her flying face forward on Alexis.

"Piece of cake," Alia said and stood back in the line.

Alexis shoved Clove off of her and snapped, "Okay, ladies, you're done. Your turn, boys."

I turned to the other District Two male tribute and bit my lip to keep myself from bursting into laughter.

He was about a whole foot shorter than me, standing at 5'4". He was also shaking in fear, which would make him an easy target. He would be the first I would take out in the arena, as it was better to kill the easiest opponents first.

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