Chapter 7

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I had a white sweater, dark jeans, black boots, and a pink scarf on. I had my long brown hair in a high ponytail.

Mahogany had done my makeup and I thought I looked pretty good.

"Ready for Magcon show #2?" Matt yelled throughout the suite.

"Heck yeah I am!" Nash replied.

We all walked downstairs to the ballroom and sound-checked.

Shawn sang Stitches and The Jacks' sang California.

It was now my turn.

I walked up the set of steps and grabbed the microphone, and winking at Mahogany for her to play my back track.

"You shout it out, but I can't hear a word you say." I started to sing.

After a few minutes of belting out notes, the song ended.

I felt an overwhelming wave of relief tickle my body.

"Woah." I said walking off stage and towards Shawn.

"Wow you were amazing." He smiled warmly and gave me a side hug.

"Thanks, I learn from the best." I winked and walked backstage to get some water.

I sat down at the table and chairs and checked my phone.

I checked my snapchat and Instagram.
I was going through my feed when I saw a picture of me with the word, "slut" on it.

I clicked on the person's profile and scrolled through.

She was a Shawn Mendes fangirl.

I've been thinking about that lately, what do his fans think?

I took a deep breathe and thought about how Cameron got tons of hate last year for some stupid can get crazy. I don't need to worry about the hateful ones.

"Hey ya'll! Let's get started!" Taylor said into the microphone.

I knew the show was starting now.

I walked out on stage and gathered with the guys on the edge.

"Shawn and Callie, want to go first?" Taylor asked.

Shawn grabbed my hand and his guitar and led me to the microphones.

I grabbed one and Shawn started to strum the chords for As Long As You Love Me.

I smiled kindly and felt my nerves overwhelm my body.

My knees started to shake and my stomach turned upside down.

I studied Shawn's every motion, up & down, up & down.

I started to sing and then turned to Shawn, he followed my lead.
At the end he grabbed my waist and pulled me close.

I felt him get closer and closer.
Then he kissed my lips.

The crowd was filled with awes.

Everyone had their phone out filming and taking pictures of us.

I'm going to be honest, I didn't really like it.

After a few seconds we pulled away and a felt something hit my head.

I fell to the floor and grabbed my head in pain.
"What the heck is wrong with you?" Shawn screamed at someone in the audience.

My vision was really blurry and I had trouble creating sentences.

"Let's get her backstage." Cameron said from behind me.

Matt's POV----

I looked over at Callie and Shawn kissing and I felt awful. My stomach flipped upside down and my hand wanted to punch Shawn in the face.

But I put on a smile until I saw a fan pick up a microphone from the side of the stage and chuck it at Callie's head.

"What the heck is wrong with you?" Shawn yelled at the fan.

The fan flipped him off and was escorted by security.

He picked Callie up and carried her backstage.

Some fans were crying and some were yelling some nasty things.

Callie's POV----

"Callie, how many fingers am I holding up?" Shawn asked me.

I squinted; trying to make out what he was signaling.

"4" I asked.

"3" he answered.

"She needs to see a doctor." Matt said from behind me.

"I'll take her. You guys finish the show." Shawn said grabbing both my hands and guiding me to the door.

"Shawn, thank you so much for being there for my little sister." Cameron said and patted Shawn on the back.

We arrived at the hospital ER.

Shawn talked to the nurse and I was placed in a room.

Shawn sat next to me in a chair while I laid down on the bed.

"Shawn, am I going to be okay?" I asked scared.

"Yes, they are going to do some tests and see what's wrong." Shawn replied holding my hand.

After a long 20 minutes they took some tests.
Easy things became difficult.

I started not to remember things, like my birthday, age, and the guy sitting next to me.

I have no clue how I'm related to him.

Shawn's POV----

Callie stood up with the doctors on her left & right.

She tried to walk in a straight line- but failed to.

Then they slowly asked her things.

"When's your birthday?" The nurse asked.

"Um, I don't know." She would say to everything.

"Who is that guy sitting next to you?" She asked.

She looked at me for a few seconds, and then her face turned confused.

"I don't remember." She whispered.

I started to shake and feel worried.
What if she'll never remember me ever again?
"Um, I'll be right back." I said and ran to the bathroom.

Callie's POV----

The guy was gone for about 10 minutes.
Then he came back.

"Why am I here?" I asked him.

"You were on stage with Cameron and I and a fan threw a microphone at your head. Now you don't remember some things. Like who I am." He said letting a tear fall from his cheek.

"What's your name?" I asked trying to make things better.

"I'm Shawn, Shawn Mendes. I'm your boyfriend." He murmured.

I have a boyfriend?!?!

"Oh, I'm sorry I don't remember." I said feeling really bad.

Then I saw Cameron walk in.

"Cameron!" I yelled and held my arms out for him to grab.
He gave me a hug.

"I missed you." I said and then smiled.

"Well, at least you have Shawn. Aren't you glad he's here for you?" Cam asked.

"I don't know, I just met him." I said.

Just then Shawn ran to the bathroom in tears.

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