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Aelita's POV

"UGH!" I retched into the porcelain throne. There's nothing like waking up sticking my face in the toilet vomiting your guts out. After fainting, my stomach has been acting up making me throw up last night's dinner. Flushing for the 10th time, I rinsed my mouth out and washed my face. I looked at my reflection to find dark circles plotted under my eyes. Add lack of sleep to the list. 

Finis venit. Mors, et vita in bellum. Qui regnabit. Et cessabit...

The chanting hasn't stopped repeating in my head since last night. The creature and strangers. Slapping my cheeks a little bit, I exited the bathroom and made my way to the living room. The rays of the setting sun colored the room a burnt orange. Usually the living room was noisy instead it was dead quiet. A note laid on the coffee table with horrible handwriting scribbled on it.

Went to kick bad guy butt. See ya soon!

XOXO Spidey & squad

P.S. Don't eat my ramen -Sam

I rolled my eyes at Sam's little message. I opened the door to the pantry to find something to eat. It's not like he has his name on them. I looked on the second shelf to find each cup of ramen with 'SAM' written on them in black Sharpie. "You've got to be kidding me!" I yelled out loud. I snatched one cup out of the shelf and ripped off the protective film. I filled it with water and lit a small flame under it.

As my ramen cooked to perfection, I heard the sound of glass breaking from the living room. A burglar? Or maybe those things from last night? Cautiously, I tiptoed behind the wall and peeked around the corner. There was no one there. Broken glass covered the couch letting a cold wind walked in brushing against the curtains.

There were kids outside playing baseball. I guess their ball broke the window. I carefully pick up the broken glass off the carpet into the trash. A clanging noise from the kitchen caught my attention as I heard footprints stomping up the stairs. A shadow climbed up the steps and I ran behind it up to the attic.

The door was cracked and I could hear rustling inside. The same hooded figure was rummaging through my stuff. A dagger of fire formed in my hand as I slowly opened the door. Rolling behind my bed, I watched as the stranger opened the drawer to pull out my mission uniform playing with the fabric. Sneaking from behind the stranger, I wrapped my arms around their neck flipping them onto the bed. I straddled them to the bed, pinning their arms behind their head. The dagger aimed at their neck.

"You were the same person from last night. Who are you? What do you want?" I questioned, digging the knife into their neck. Icicles materialized on their nails and scratched my cheek. A foot kicked me in the stomach knocking me off the bed into the dresser. The figure jumped off the bed and tried to open the window. "Oh no you don't!" I grunted, grabbing the cloak and throwing to the ground.

As we struggled, several things fell around us shattering into pieces. I felt someone pushed me out of the way into the wall as a vase fell where I was. The figure stared at me for a moment and ran back down stairs. "Wait a minute! Come back!" I shouted, grabbing my uniform.

Slipping on my boots, I ran to the broken window and climb to outside. The figure looked at me and started running again. "Get back here!" I yelled.


New York: Time Square

Darn it! They got away! It was unusually quiet. For once, the streets of New York were not filled with busy people. I looked around for a bit until a black fabric flew into an alley. One streetlight illuminated the dark, disgusting alley. Rats squeaked as I tread carefully into the darkness.

Secrets (An USM Fanfic) - DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now