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Hello readers! I'm still not done with Part 3 of Out of Control and probably 90% of you want to kill me for it since I left yet another cliffhanger. Reasons for that I had writers block for a few weeks plus exams plus I'm lazy. So I need you guys to do me a favor. After this chapter, I am going write fun mini chapter that does not have to do with anything that is going on in the story. So while I'm doing that, I need you guys to send in dares. You can leave your dares on this page or message me.

You can dare:







You can send in more than 1 dare. They have to be appropriate (PG13). The dares can either make the characters feel good or shatter their complete self esteem either way is fine with me.

Thank you guys! Love you all so much even though you want to kill me since I haven't updated since May!

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