Rise of the Goblin

558 21 10

Peter's POV

Imagine this, speeding down the busy New York streets in a sleek black limo with your best friend in the entire world. Tonight's a night of celebration for Harry. He passed all his classes for the semester with all B's lined up like 7s on a casino slot machine. "To you Peter, without you Harry might have been a nothing but straight C student for the rest of his life." Norman Osborn congratulated me, raising his glass high. "Oh it wasn't me Mr. Osborn, Harry did all the work. I just carried his books that's all." I said humbly. Norman gave me a solemn look and nodded. "Just as I said, you are good friend." He hummed taking a swing of his drink. The limo stopped in front a fancy restaurant and Harry and Norman got out.

As I was about to get out, my S.H.I.E.L.D watch beeped. I disabled the camouflage mode and the screen revealed Power Man's serious face. "We need you." He informed. "Now? I was about to be treated with the most delicious meal off my life by my best friend's rich dad!" I said irritated. A clawed hand pushed Power Man's face out of the way and a furious White Tiger appeared. "Cancel your date with Harry and get your butt over here now!" White Tiger growled. Getting out of the car, I locked eyes with Harry and gave him an apologetic look. "Harry I'm sorry, but Aunt May called me about some goldfish emergency. I gotta take a raincheck." I lied. "What? We just got here!" He argued. "Well, think of it this way: you get to spend some time with your dad!" I shouted running away to change into my alter ego.

One of the many challenges of becoming the Ultimate Spider-Man is trying to juggling your personal life with your heroic one. Constantly lying and ditching Harry was one of the hardest, but I have a job to do. Locking on my team's signal, I found them in a warehouse fighting some familiar faces: Wizard, Thundra, Klaw and Trapster otherwise as known as the Frightful Four. Quite a coincidence they're breaking into one of many warehouses owned by Norman Osborn, the president of Oscorp. Swing around, I kicked Trapster into a pile of boxes. Looking around, the team was really holding on their own. White Tiger and Nova were teamed up fighting Wizard, Power Man was fighting Thundra, and Iron Fist was taking on Klaw. If I can get my life to be this balanced, I would be the happiest Wall Crawler in the world!

Busy in my thoughts, I didn't notice Wizard popping up in front of me but a ball of fire blasted him out of the way. "About time you got here." Draga said, flexing her wrists. "Sorry I got held up. Thanks for the save by the way." I said, bumping fist with her. Behind us, I heard Trapster standing in front of a trailer laughing madly. "Let me guess Trapster, this is a...

Opening the trailer, a bunch of octopus looking killer robots. Why do those thing look so familiar?

"A trap." He finished my sentence with a smirk.

"Goodbye, young heroes. We leave you with your shame and a THOUSAND killer robots." Wizard cackled, running away with his friends. "I miss out on a $500 hamburger for this crud!" I shouted angrily dodging a robot. "Come on people! This is what we trained for!" I advocated. White Tiger and Draga teamed up slashing and burning the robots. "I can't believe we were lured in so easily!" She growled, slicing a robot in half with her claws. Power Man was ripping the killer machines in half while Iron Fist punched them left and right. "Try to stay calm, my friend." Iron Fist said calmly. "I am calm. See this. This is me being calm!" Power Man said ripping another robot in half. "Oh yeah, that's calm alright." Draga said sarcastically, throwing fire daggers at a robot. "What are you guys complaining about? These guys are light weights." Nova said casually, flying above smashing robot into a wall.

My spidey sense went off in my head and I turned around to find metal tentacles grabbing me. I launched a couple webs at it, but it dodged them. Wrapping its arms around me, it had a vice grip around my body cutting off the oxygen to my body. My vision became fuzzy, my eyes slowly close and I  slipped into the darkness.

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