Damage Control

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Have any of you seen the new Ultimate Spiderman episode today? 

Tears, nothing but tears!



Aelita's POV


Aelita... Time to wake up...

The eerie voice whispered in my head. Twisting and turning, I crumpled the sweaty sheets under me while my breaths became ragged. Recently, I've been having horrible, never-ending nightmares every night. The voice in my head kept getting stronger and stronger each night.

Little Flower...Wake up...or else...

Suddenly, an image of my father's dead body flashed my mind. I screamed and shot up in my bed. Breathing heavily, I gripped my head tightly as my body was shook like a leaf in the wind. Suddenly, the door to my bedroom burst open. "Aelita, are you alright?!" Ava asked, running to my side. Sam, Luke, and Danny surveyed my room and ran over to me. "What happened?!" Sam asked, swinging a baseball bat high over his head. "It...It was just a nightmare." I whispered. "Another one! This is the 3rd time this week." Sam said. "Should we get Fury?" Luke asked. "I can contact Doctor Strange for an appointment. Maybe he can find the source of your nightmares." Danny offered. "No thanks, its fine. I'll just go back to sleep, sorry for waking you up." I mumbled, stuffing my face into my pillow and turning my back to them.

Danny's POV

As Aelita went back to her 'peaceful' slumber, I couldn't take her word of her being alright. Luke looked back at me with a questioning look. "You're not heading back to bed, man?" He asked. "No, these constant nightmares concern me. I'll stay here and watch over her just in case she has another one." I said. "Alright, just don't end up like Sam that one time. Remember how he tried to take a picture while Aelita was sleeping and he almost ended up in a coma." We chuckled quietly. "See you in the morning." He said, walking away. "May you awaken feeling peace." I quoted, bowing down to him. "Great, now I'm going to have a nightmare about your fortune cookie quotes." He joked, making us laugh.

Returning to Aelita's room, I saw her on the floor wrapped in a cocoon of blankets. Chuckling, I picked her up along with the sheets and placed them on the bed. "Dad...I don't want to be a dragon. I want to be a unicorn." I heard her grumbled in her sleep. "Sam...I'll murder you with a bunny if you keep doing that. Peter, why do you have 8 arms and shoot webs out of your butt? Danny, why do you look like a fortune cookie? Luke, why are you riding Twilight Sparkle? Ava, don't pee on that tree. Use the litter box. Aye, Aye Captain Fury." She snored.

I covered my mouth to keep myself from bursting out laughing from the nonsense that was coming out of her mouth. Grabbing a chair, I sat down watching her cute sleeping face laughing at the nonsense. Slowly closing my eyes, I fell asleep as well. Sweet dreams, Aelita.

Next morning

Despite the one good dream I had last night, I still had more nightmares. Rubbing my eyes from their sleep, I sat up in the bed and started stretching. For some reason, I heard snoring next to me. I looked to see Danny sleeping peacefully in a chair. Did he watch over me last night? I felt the corner of my mouth tug into a smile. Quietly, I got out of the bed and tiptoed toward him. I waved my hand over his face to check if he's still asleep. Using my pointer finger, I lightly poked his nose, but he still didn't wake up. Then, a mischievous thought ran in my brain. Tiptoeing behind him, I stretched my arms around him, my fingers aimed at his sides.


"AHH!" He screamed, spazzing out from his chair and landing flat on his face. I burst out laughing as he playfully glared at me. "Someone's awake." I teased, giggling. "Looks like you're feeling better. Did you have a good night sleep?" He asked. "It was a little better than the ones I had. Did you watch me sleep last night?" I asked. "Yes, I was worried you might have another nightmare." He said sheepishly. I felt my lips immediately curl into a smile. "Thank you. Unlike Sam, you actually had a good reason for watching me sleep." I giggled and he chuckled. "Alright, now that I'm wide awake. You have to get out so I can get dressed!" I announced pushing him out my room.

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