Livvy the Theif

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zoe comes home from waitrose... without my baby!!!

"zoe where is paul-sugar???!!"

"sorry i couldnt get him- the orange girl wouldnt pass her over.. but she kept trying to pull my hair out, saying she wanted a piece of zoella"

how rdiculous!i thought to myself. 

i have an idea zoe! i say

"whats that" zoe replies

"well... i will take some of your hair and offer it in exchange for paul-sugar!

"ok is worth a shot, come pull me out!" zoe says

i pull some strands of her hair our, and stuff a couple in my pocket..! yes now i have a piece of zoella! i cackle as i walk out the door leaving snickerdoodle behind for saftey.

at the orphanage i meed madame ogunyemi

"who ze hellz are youz? cuming here at hoeurs like thiz??!!" what is she saying/?!! its only 6:30p!

i need to see livvy i say its importand


i pull a strand of masters hair and run past wow im naughty

LIVVY WHERE ARE YOU??!! i scream at the top of my lungs

I burst into our old bedroom.... PAUL-SUGAR... IS.. DEAD???!!

i see a hunchback livvy sat in the corner of the small room, EATING MY BABY.

crying, i call zoe. 


"Hey! Its Zoe. Sorry I cant take your call at the minuet- I'm at waitrose! I'll call you back when im free!"

DANG FLABBIT IT WENT TO VOICE MAIL. i cry this is sad because i just want everything to be ok.

I run out the orphanage into the busy streets


everything goes black.

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