The Daughter Tag

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I stayed in my room, starting to hate Zoe for stealing my man, then I realised that she was my mum and that i loved her, I wasn't really embarrassed about seeing them shmuk as I used to watch videos where they had been photoshopped on to people Fricking, but this was my mum and dad, so they were probably embarrassed. My suspicion was confirmed when they knocked on my door I opened it and they were both stood there, sheepishly.

"We're sooooo sorry" they apologised "I'm so sorry you had to see that"

"It's fine, it's fine" i assured them, because that was the kind of person I am

"Do you want to film the video now" they asked, relieved that I wasn't disgusted, secretly I found it very hot and I was slightly aroused

"OMG yes that would be so good," I exclaimed, exited to rub it in livvys face, exited to be famous, exited to tell the world about my new parents.

It took them aaggesss to set up the camera equipment, they had so many fancy lights it hurt my female brain.
When they were finally done, I sat on the bed, feeling awkward as I had no idea how they did these or how it worked. I once tried to start a YouTube channel, I would talk about my life because it's so interesting, I mean the story of a young girl in an adoption home is just enrapturing, but nobody watched my videos, so I said a sad goodbye to the life of fame, thinking we'd never meet again, until now.

We started the video by me staying out of it, they spoke for a while about a big surprise, but it was no wonder almost all of Zoe's videos lasted an hour, she just rambles on and on and on, I couldn't wait till I was in the spotlight. They finally introduced me, and I told them my name was Mia and I was 13, 14 on the 20th of April (420 blaze it !!!) we then begun the tag, which consisted of asking ME questions and ME answering them, I just loved that it was all about ME!

(AN: bold is the questions and italic is the answers)

What is your favourite colour?
Mmm probably black (because I'm so Edgy)

What's your favourite food?
Garlic bread and cocoa pops of course!

Favourite film?
Shrek for life!

It went on like this, I was so charismatic and perfect, their fans, my fans, we're going to love me!

When we finished filming Zoe hugged me "I am just so glad that you are a part of the family" she cried
People are so silly, I thought, of course she's lucky, anyone would be!

I didn't want to sound obnoxious, so I thanked her and went to my room to read, and continue writing my girl online fan-fiction: female on the internet. Whilst I was writin I cot a call from an unknown number, I immediately panicked, what if it was a fan! I then realised that the video want out yet and nobody knew about me, this was the last time I would ever safely get to answer one of these, so I answered it.

"Hello," I said cautiously

"Hi I'm Becky, my friends call me Booky, Olivia gave me your number, from the park, I'm sooooo terribly sorry for being rude, truly I'm just scared of our horrible leader of the group, Alice, she bullies me into being mean to people, I hope we can be friends." A lovely sounding voice replied

" Yes I totally understand, I know horrible people too, I'm sure we'll be close, you seem really nice!"

We chatted so long, Becky was funny, kind and smart, I had no idea why this Alice girl was so mean to her.

Three hours later I got a notification, the video had been uploaded! I called the devil and she picked up immediately, so needy, "Omfg did you see zalfies new vid," I screamed

"Yes" she then broke into tears, I could almost see the orange, foundation filled tears falling down her face "I can't believe they were going to adopt me and they just changed their minds"

This girl was so stupid, they never wanted her.

I hung up, not being able to take her annoying voice anymore, and began to scroll through the comments, as I suspected, they were mainly positive!

Omg you are soo pretty, zalfie are lucky to have you, and congrats to the Sugg-Deyes family!

I can't wait to see her in all their vlogs and videos!

You should start a channel

But they weren't all nice

Why would they adopt that?

Alfie is my dad, back off bitch !

When I used to leave horrible comments on youtubers videos, I never realised how it would make them feel. I felt the panic and anxiety in waves through my brain, oh no I couldn't breathe.... I saw blackness.


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Wanted to include some Drama to spice it up a little.
What did you think of this Becky? Not a very nice person is she!

Xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo Freyfrey xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxo

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