Sexond videooooo

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Hello everyone, it's currently 11:41pm and I'm having trouble sleeping, so here's a VERY short filler chapter!!!!!!!

(Photo is my FAVE meme!!!)

* a few weeks later*

It has been almost 7 weeks now since the incident happened! (Not the sex on my bed, I mean me getting hit by a car).

My bones have almost fully healed and I can kind of walk again, but I have to go to private physiotherapy lessons.

Since my bones are almost better, Joe said I could go round to his apartment to film a video with him! He said we could do whatever we wanted, I'm thinking about a meeting fans on omegle video! I have always wanted to use omegle, but most websites like that were banned at my orphanage.

I got ready for Joe to pick me up, grabbing some extra deodorant and stuffing it into my bag, Sometimes joes hotness makes me sweat more that usual. What a kink!

Once everything was ready, I stood at the door for a short 27 minuets, till I heard a beep from outside! It must be joe!!!!

I rushed outside shouting a muffled "goodbye" to my parents. Once I got past the security gate, I reAlised that it wasn't Joe who honked their horn. I miserably sat on the wall until I saw his sexy car roll up, almost as sexy as Joe.... Almost as sexy as Alfie...

STOP I thought..
That's your uncle and dad you are thinking about!!

My mind switched back to Alfie's huge 2 inch dick I had seen multiple times now..... I wonder how big Joe was??

These are my uncles, I must stop.

I don't really feel guilty, because isn't this what most 13 year olds have fantasies about too?

I finally stopped day dreaming and got into the swagalicious black car. Joe greeted me with a stunning smile as he backed away from my mansion.

He put the radio on and a song by a band names "twenty one flight attendants" came on. I have to admit, I do like this amazing band quite a bit.

Once we got to the apartment, I could see Joe had already set up the camera and all the lights. I was so excited to finally be in my second YouTube video!

I hope u enjoyed this SHORT chapter written on my phone. This scene may seem not very important, but it leads to some life changing moments for Mia! Hopefully the next chapter will be written soon, however I hope to write it together with Frey freyyyyy

Rock on!!!!!

Xoxoxoxox rebaebae xoxoxoxox

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