The Sweet Taste Of Success

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Just like food tastes better to a hungry man who has toiled all day to earn it, success sits easier on the shoulders of one who who has not been handed it on a platter, but has worked hard for it. Such a man has got the right to be proud of his achievements to an extent. However pride does comes before a fall. To be arrogant and conceited is inviting trouble.

Looking at the many who have succeeded in accomplishing what they set out to do, I realise that a successful man does not rest over his laurels. He knows only too well that every new day demands new achievements . 

Success is not an end in itself. 

Success is a journey that constantly finds new goals to reach, new dreams to fulfill, new roads to travel. 

It is the ability to not only reach the summit, but to be perceived by others to have reached it, and then to find a higher summit to look towards, that in this world, is the mark of a successful person.

There are many who have mastered the art of being successful and being perceived as a successful person. For them, the battle is half won at the outset itself, not because other people's opinions are more important than their own contentment, but because people subconsciously help them along, accepting them as winners even before they have reached anywhere near their goal. 

They have not let themselves be swayed by anyone's criticism or praise. They have used them to get better, to progress, and by their confidence in their own dreams, have subtly pushed others to give them their support. These are the men who know how to turn circumstances into stepping stones. They change the world by their beliefs alone, and privileged are those who get a chance to be a part of their journey.

So am I going to follow, and search for a validation of my truth in public opinion? No I am not. Success, first and foremost, is following my own conscience, my own dreams, and doing what makes me happy. But I'm going to take a leaf out of the books of such people, and be so confident and happy in walking my path that I am going to subtly convince them that my path is the right path, and that I am a success because I have reached my goals. 

It is all about learning how to fashion victory where there was none. But however much we achieve, we must always remember that success may come to all but will stay with the one who is right.

I can think of nothing better to describe the value of Success than this poem by Emily Dickinson...

Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne'er succeed.

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.

Not one of all the purple host

Who took the flag to-day

Can tell the definition,

So clear, of victory!

As he, defeated, dying,

On whose forbidden ear

The distant strains of triumph

Burst agonized and clear!

Lets us then follow our dreams, work hard to make them come true, all the while firmly believing that our path is the right path for us. We are the winners, not because we have never failed, but because we have the courage to be who we want to be. 

Aim to be the best, and success will follow, for success loves excellence. Mediocrity is for the masses. For the winners, only the best will do!

© M.S.

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