Chapter 6

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"Spaughton, you got a visitor."

Rosie looked up at the two guards who was standing in her cell. She got up, put her hands behind her back and turned around to allow them to cuff her hands. She knew the routine. They then proceeded to exit the cell and take the walk down the hall to get to the visitors area. Something was off though. She knew almost instinctively and panic began to build in her. They took a turn down the hallway and she heard one of the guards say, "Is it clear?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

"What the hell are you doing?" Rosie asked.

The answer she received was a punch to the gut that doubled her over.

"You don't ask the questions. We do."

She was then taken into a small space that Rosie now knew was a janitor's closet. She was pushed up against the wall and she was greeted with a violent punch to the face. The blow caused her head to smack against the wall behind her and before she could even realize it had landed she received another to the other side of her head.

"What did you tell that lawyer?" one of the female guards spat out at her.

"I don't... I don't know what you mean," she answered, her head bobbed lazily on her neck as a result of the blows to her face. There was another blow now to her stomach and she again doubled over, this time falling to her knees.

She was reeling now, barley conscious. "I didn't tell her anything. You know that," she answered. She felt a foot then connect with her side and it sent her toppling over and down.

"What did you tell her Spaughton?"

"Nothing, I told you, why do you think I'm stupid?" she answered.

A foot then slammed down onto her hands that were cuffed behind her back and the pain caused her vision to go black. She wanted to scream out in pain but she refused. She would not give them the satisfaction. It was the one thing she could hold onto to allow her the slightest bit of dignity to remain intact. Another kick, this time to the back of her head and it knocked her completely to the ground.

"Ya know Spaughton, it doesn't really matter now, she went home a few days ago and found that she just couldn't do the things she was doing anymore. Yeah, turns out she liked to take advantage of her position and use it for illegal gains. Can you imagine that?"

'Oh God,' Rosie thought. 'Keep cool, keep cool,' she told herself.

"Yes ma'am, she sure did," the second female guard told her.

"Found her face down at her kitchen table laying in a glass of Jack, doped up to the eyeballs. Sad really. She was so young."

A pitiful sound escaped Rosie's mouth.She could take the pain of the beating, but this, this. Her Rose dead.

She wanted to scream.

She wanted to cry out from the pain of it but she knew she couldn't. If she showed any kind of feeling for Rose, Harley was as sure as dead.

She needed to play the game. Put on the face of stone and move it along.

"I told you, I didn't say anything to her," Rosie said

"Yeah we know you didn't. You see David just wanted to send along his condolences personally. Give you a little reminder of who's in charge," she said to Rosie.

"Now get up," the second guard said.

Rosie struggled to her feet and when they felt she wasn't moving fast enough they helped her along by pulling her up by her hands which were cuffed behind her back, the unnatural position of them causing pain to shoot up her arms and down her body.

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