Chapter 2

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"Damn it," Rose said to herself as she made her way out of the visiting area toward the wardens office, "I had her. It might've been only for a minute, but I had her."

"Hey, how did it go Ms. Dix? With Rosie?" Bria asked.

"Oh, um,Rose please, no Ms. Dix," Rose corrected the warden.

"Good, cause I think I'll be seeing a lot of you for a while right? So me Bria, you Rose. Deal?" she said.

"Deal," Rose answered as they shook on it. "I think I blew it, I think I hit her too hard all at once with my theory. She told me to fuck off basically, in no uncertain terms."

"And you feel special that she told you that because...? Did you even look at her file?" Bria joked.

"No, no I know. She does it to everyone. It's just... I dont know."

"You don't know...?" Rose said urging her to continue.

"Bria, it's all an act. That is not who she is," Rose said shaking her head.

"Gee ya think?" answered Bria, giving Rose a sideways smile as they walked to the cafeteria.

"Why, though, why is she doing this? I don't understand. Why does she feel that she has to act that way?" Rose asked. "You said you had some theory on this. I think I'd like to know what it is."

"I think a lot of things Rose. I think, no, I know, she didn't kill anyone." Bria said. "I don't know what, or who she's protecting, but I can tell you who she's not protecting." Bria stopped, turned around and faced Rose. "Her brother."

"You see, that's where I can't agree with you Bria. Everything I'm reading here, in the case file, in the court transcripts, in her disciplinary files, they all tell me that he did this and she taking the fall for him."

"Well hang on now, don't get me wrong. I agree that she's taking blame for him as far as the killing goes, but I don't think she's doing it to protect him. I think there's something else to it. Someone else I should say." Bria paused for a minute. "I'm not saying that I just figured this out in my head all by myself. You're making your calls on the information available to you. That's where I have an advantage. I have information you don't."

"What information Bria? What do you have?" Rose asked.

"Not here," Bria said. She then reached into her pocket and handed Rose a piece of paper. "This is my home phone number. I'm off at 7:00 tonight. Call me there any time after that and we'll talk."

Then they heard a voice say, "Giving her your home number Bria? Should I be jealous?" Shannon asked as she walked up behind Bria, wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"This is Shannon. She's the guard supervisor on the row and general pain in the ass." Bria smiled as she covered the hands that were holding her from behind. "And Shan, you know we can't do this here so keep those hands to yourself for now, okay?"

Shannon then let go of Bria and said, "Well, you're the boss"

"So, you two...?" Rose gestured pointing first to one then the other.

"Well, damn, nothing gets by you does it Dix?" Shannon joked.

"No, you got to get up pretty early to pull one over on me!" Rose joked.

"Would you please just stop Shan," Bria said laughing.

"This is Rose Dix- Rosie's new lawyer," Bria explained.

"Oh hey, are you here with the brunette lady down in the cafeteria?" Shannon asked

"Ally yes, she's one of my colleagues. Why?" Rose asked.

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