Chapter 4 {Edited}

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 for being such a great fan and editing my book for me i can't thank her enough :D THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU xxxx


Chapter 4

It’s been two days since we told our parents, and today I am twenty six weeks. “Honey, come on, hurry up! It’s time to go shopping. We don’t want the little princess to arrive and not have anything,” my mum yelled from downstairs.

 “I’m coming, just give me a second,” I replied back to mum. Today we were going to get a cot and pram, some bottles, clothes and nappies. We were meeting Garry and his mum at the mall. I was so excited to be able to go buy the things we’ll need.

We went to Babies Galore first to get the pram and cot. It was so hard to decide. We ended up getting a stained wooden cot and matching draws and change table. I got a three wheeler pram, which was black and had pink piping along the edges. It looked really pretty.

After that we went to Target and Pumpkin Patch. We bought so many clothes I don’t think my princess will wear them all. Then we went to Toys R Us and got bottles, blankets, a rocker and high chair even though she wouldn’t be using it for a while. Garry looked so proud and excited when we were going through all the things.

I felt a little funny when we were shopping because people would look at me funny, but I didn’t let it bother me. I was so tired and hungry. All I seem to do lately is want to eat and sleep. The last few days all I’ve wanted is hot chips. I’d have them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But they had to be hot chips made out of potatoes. I didn’t like the ones from the shops. They just didn’t taste the same.

Mum decided to move all of her stuff out of the spare room so we could set it up as a nursery. The cot and things should arrive within five days, so we cleaned it all out and had a painter come and paint the room. Three walls were painted a baby pink color and on the fourth wall we had a picture of a castle and a princess painted on it, because after all she’s our very own princess.

As the days went by my stomach got bigger and bigger. “None of my clothes fit,” I yelled out angry. I tried on six different pairs before I gave up and went downstairs, still in my pajama pants and one of Garry’s shirts.

 “Why aren’t you dressed,” asked my mum.

 “Well if you heard me yell out before none of my clothes fit me. And I mean none of them. They’re all too tight,” I replied.

“Well we better take you shopping then, shouldn’t we?” mum said.

“How am I meant to go shopping when I can’t get dressed to leave the house,” I asked mum.

“Does Garry have a pair of tracksuit pants here?” she asked. I shrugged my shoulders and walked upstairs to check the drawer. ‘Score,’ I thought to myself. I pulled them out of the drawer and pulled them on, and I was shocked to see they fit. I smiled to myself and walked downstairs ready to go.

We did a little clothes shopping for myself. We had to go to the hospital to check into the antenatal clinic and have these crappy tests done. God I hate blood tests. I hate needles all together. Why oh why do I need to have needles? We signed in for the antenatal clinic and I got to have my first appointment today. The midwife seemed very nice.  She was in her mid-forties; her name was Sarah. She took my blood pressure and laid me down on the bed and listened to my little girls’ heartbeat. It sounded so weird. And like always, I started to cry just thinking of my little girl.

I had to have blood test and I hated every second of it. The lady couldn’t get a vein and she just kept digging. “It’s only a little needle nothing to worry about,” she said

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