chapter 2 {Edited}

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Dedicated to TheFloatingDreamer

For my new cover

Chapter 2

I couldn’t believe it.  I was pregnant.  I’m fourteen and pregnant.  I can’t tell my parents, they’ll be so disappointed in me.  I know better than this; I can’t have a baby. Why is this happening to me? After we found out, Garry sat there and just held me while I cried.  He didn’t say a word to me.  I felt like this was all my fault, even though I knew it wasn’t. If I made him put a condom on none of this would be happening right now.  I took the remaining two tests, and they all came back positive as well.

I’m too young to be a mum.  I still need to finish school, and go to uni and get a degree. But if I keep this baby it will be very hard.  I’m against abortions, but this was my life.  What would a baby do? It would change my life completely. I’ll need to look after myself and a baby, and go to school and find a job.

I decided to call Veronica, “Hey V, you want to come over? I’m a little bored.  I’m alone and need to talk to you about something,” I said to her. She’s on her way and will be here in twenty. After about two hours of sitting around crying, Garry decided he was going to go home. He needed to think. I said ‘bye’ and he said he’ll call me later, but I still haven’t heard from him. “He’ll probably never talk to me again”, I said out loud to myself.

Veronica didn’t even knock; she came straight inside and up to my room. I was still sitting on my bed crying when she walked in, “Oh T, what’s up? Did you and Garry have a fight?” she asked. I just shook my head no.  I couldn’t speak; every time I went to say something more tears would fall. I stood up and walked over to my dresser and grabbed the three tests out and went and laid them on the bed. She looked at me before picking one up, looking at it and putting it down. She did it with all three tests before she said, “Oh hun, shhh its okay. Its okay, we’ll figure something out,” and wrapped me into a big hug. “Did you tell Garry?” she asked and again I just nod my head.

“He said he had to go. He didn’t say much, just that he had to go,” I said to her.

“You need to tell your parents; they’ll know what to do,” Veronica said.

 “I can’t tell them, not yet.  I just can’t, so much is going on in my head. I just need to think. How am I meant to be a mum V, I’m fourteen?  I can’t be a mum, I’m still only a child,” I said and once again the tears started.

I slowly started to fall asleep.  V was spending the night, so I wasn’t alone. Mum and dad still weren’t home and it was after nine. Mum called to say dad had a surgery and wouldn’t be home for a while and that she had to prepare for a case for Monday; so she said Veronica could stay with me so I wasn’t alone.

We woke up the next morning and I had a text from Garry, ‘We need to talk xx.’  That’s all it said. I called him and he said he’d be around in ten minutes so we can talk.  V said she’d leave so we had some privacy.  I thanked her for staying and talking to me and she promised not to say anything to anyone, not even any of the other girls.

Garry came straight up to my room and sat on the end of my bed. No hello, no nothing. But he was the first to break the silence, “I think we should keep it. I know we are young and not ready, but that’s a little thing the two of us made. It’s a mixture of me and you,” he said as a tear rolled down his cheek.

 I stood up and walked in front of him, “Are you sure?” I asked him.

 “I’m sure,” he replied. He softly placed his head on my stomach, and I started crying yet again.

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