Total Despire

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Song represents Maisey's feelings on finding Lucy and thinking that she's dead

Jasminda was awoken by the sound of her ancient radiators bubbling and gurgling into action, heating the room that was once ice cold and causing her to shiver in her thin red Cotton nightgown, even though the room heated up more quickly than Jasminda had thought her old radiators were capable of she still felt like she was sitting in a block of ice. Her body was racked with painful shivers that she couldn't stop and her nose was streaming like a never-ending cascading waterfall, she knew if she were to look in a mirror her nose would be bright red. Her head was pounding and she felt like death, she cursed herself on her bad luck for getting caught in yesterday's strange downpour of rain but she knew there was nothing that she could do to have prevented it after all the weatherman hadn't expected rain so neither had she.

She wanted nothing more than to pull on a warm clean pair of her thickest fluffy pajamas and spend the day wrapped up in her warm Duvet sleeping but she couldn't do that, she had a job to do a job that couldn't be put off. She couldn't believe that she ended up Ill on the day that she had the most important news to give. News that could change the lives of two little girls forever and fulfill their hopes and wishes.

Wrapping her large black fluffy blanket more tightly around her cold shivering body Jasminda let out a deep sigh of reluctance and gingerly climbed out of her bed, as her feet touched the cold wooden flooring she let out a yelp at how cold the floor was. As the coldness from the flooring seeped throughout her body her shivers became worse. It was at that moment that she decided that the wooden flooring that she loved, would have to go or that she would have to invest in a nice rug to protect her feet on cold mornings. The flooring she loved so much was just too cold on her feet to remain the way it was.

Jasminda didn't dare look back at her bed as she knew that feeling the way she did her willpower would leave her and she wouldn't have the willpower to stop herself from climbing back into it and enjoying the warmth and comfort it would give to her cold pain filled body. Dragging her legs behind her, she made her way over to her window and grasped hold of her long cream velvet curtains, and yanked them open, the scene that met her eyes would bring joy to almost everyone else but brought sheer bewilderment and annoyance to her. Pure Crisp fresh snow covered her whole back garden, the fallen snow had transformed the landscape into a magical land full of wonder and undiscovered mysteries, mysteries that Jasminda just wasn't in the mood to discover. The snow she had once loved as a child now brought nothing but pain, pain at the memories that were once full of joy until that fateful day that had changed her life Forever.

She had once enjoyed making snowmen and women with her Mama and papa, had once enjoyed the snowball fights that they had and the hot chocolates that they would drink afterward curled up in front of their hot roaring log fire, enjoyed just being with them, she had never thought that feeling would change but change it had and in a way she had never expected. It all changed on the day of her thirteenth birthday Instead of celebrating her special day and hanging out in the snow with her family or friends she was being forced to sit inside staring at a picture, of a man much older than her. A man she had never heard of before or met, a man she had no desire to meet now or ever, a man she learned was her fourth cousin, a man that her parents and his had decided she would travel to Pakistan and would marry and bring him back to this country. Growing up she knew there was a chance her parents would do this for in their culture it was normal it had happened to a few of the other girls she knew but growing up in Britain, a culture that frowned on this type of thing she never actually expected it to happen to her she classed her self as British first, Pakistan next she felt like a true British girl and wanted to be free like one to make her own life choices.

Jasminda had always been a decent girl and an honorable daughter and had always strived to bring honor to her parents and never besmirch their name but now she wanted none of that, she just wanted to flee from these people that claimed to be her family and who claimed to just want her to be happy. But instead of fleeing like her mind was telling her to she had stayed and tried to remain the dutiful daughter she had been raised to be.

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