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Lucy's chest rose and fell as one of the machines hooked up to her forced oxygen into her lungs. The long black hair that had taken her so long to regrow and that she had once called her pride and glory the best feature she had, now lay tatted, unkempt and greasy on the pillow of her hospital bed as the doctors didn't have time to wash it when they were trying to save her life. Her piercing brown eyes that once had started to dance with life, love and laughter, now stared straight ahead listlessly, dull and lifeless. To all intents and purposes, she was dead, it was only the loud beeping machines that were attached to her that kept her alive. Nurses and doctors swarmed around her bed, checking machines and checking her body, for any sign that she was awakening but like so many times before they found nothing to indicate that the small lifeless child they were so tenderly caring for would ever wake. The doctors and nurses were at their wit's end they had done tests after tests, tried medicine after medicine but no test seemed to say why she wasn't awakening and no medicine was working they had all but given her up for dead. The doctors and nurses, Jasminda and the staff and children of Sandy Brook's children's home couldn't understand how such a small fall, could cause her to fall into a seemingly never-ending sleep. After all, she had battled so much worse and survived they were all unaware that deep magic was at work, a magic that had been invoked from beyond the grave and could only be lifted by one little boy. A little boy they had never heard of or even met.

Lucy awoke from what she felt was a thousand years' sleep, For the first time in her whole life, she felt truly awake and ready to face her future, where ever and whatever that might be. She felt so cosy so safe, so, secure so at home that she didn't want to open her eyes or move off the soft warm cosy thing she was laying on. Slowly bit by bit she allowed her eyes to flutter open and when she did and she looked around the room, she couldn't help but let out a gasp of awe at the sight that met her. It was the most amazing magical awe-inspiring place that she had ever seen, the whole room was constructed out of many different coloured and different types of wood. She knew she must be dreaming, after all, there could never be a place as magical as this. A small voice popped into her head telling her that she wasn't dreaming and was in fact in a place that truly existed in the real world. She walked around the silent room, examining every tiny little precious detail, but it was the roaring fire and the mantle piece around it, that her eyes kept darting to. She strode over to it and let her eyes dart left and right staring at the things that had been drawing her attention. The large white marble mantle was covered in sparkling silver frames and within each frame was a picture of a small black-haired green-eyed baby boy, a tall dark-haired man and a beautiful ginger-haired woman. These pictures showed a beautiful family at the start of their lives but it was the eyes of the baby that she linged on these eyes were all too familiar they were the eyes of the boy she kept dreaming of the eyes of the boy she so wanted and needed to meet.

These piercing green eyes caused her to jump in fright, she now knew the boy she dreamed of existed just like she had always thought and wasn't just a figment of her imagination she was sure those eyes were the eyes of the small dark-haired unknown child, that forced them self's into her mind and invaded her dreams. Question after question erupted into her brain, who was this Boy, with the amazing green eyes and why did he keep popping up in her dreams, stealing the only chances she had to see her family but the most important question to her, was where was she and why. She plucked the last photo in the line of the mantle, the only picture that was without a frame, and shoved it deep into the pocket of the strange white gown that she was wearing and had no memory of ever putting on. She walked around the room running her pale hands, over the many different coloured and different textures, of wood that this room was covered with. As her hands touched the soft fluffy cushions, she stopped walking and looked around the whole room. drinking in every tiny detail and promising that one day she would own a home just like this. She felt like she entered a land of fantasy, a land of make-believe dreams and that somehow she was standing inside of a tree. The room was lit to perfection, by the many different styles of lights that were dotted here, there and everywhere. Two dark shadows floating around one of the many lights, in the room, seemed to have a life all of their own. They danced and dipped and dived and bounced from corner to corner and from one end of the room to the other, seemingly trying to crash into one another but never succeeding. She watched in confusion as they moved around the beautiful room, she had never seen or heard shadows, acting like this and she couldn't help but think it was odd, that she was seeing them now. They were without a single doubt the strangest shadows that Lucy had ever seen.

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