A New Mum & Dad And Truth Spoken

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Sandybrook was once a large beautiful stately home, surrounded by lush green fields and paddocks but a very long time ago that home had been sold by a family that fell into debt trying to afford the upkeep of the place it was then sold again and again until finally it was bought for the last time and converted to a home for children, but that once beautiful and grandiose home had
suffered once again, the cost of maintaining and running it higher then was expected and so once again it had fallen into disrepair due to lack of funds, funds that were desperately needed nit just for the upkeep of the place but to improve the lives of those that we're forced to call that place home or as much of a home as it could be. It was in such a state that if it wasn't for the people who lived there being seen out and about the home would have been thought of as derelict, many people worried about the state of the place had tried to have it closed down and the children moved else were in fear of what they called an accident waiting to happen because of the condition of this once beloved home, But strangely nine years ago the fortunes of this home changed, money started flowing in, it always arrived in an white envelope with a letter written on parcement and a cheque, the letter always stated that this money was for sandybrook and sandybrook alone and that if it was spent else where the beneficator would know and he wouldn't send anymore. The authority's that ran the home thought it was strange the way the money came but with the huge sums of money coming in for the place they didn't complain and allowed it to be spent just we're the mysterious person wanted it to be, it also helped them as they didn't have to worry about funding the cost of repairs, the money was always there, the benefactor always seemed to know when more was needed. Thanks to the huge sums from this mysterious benefactor, the home had gone through a revival it
had been restored to its former glory inside and out.

This home even though it now housed orphans and not rich lords and ladies had once more become what it was meant to be and once had been the jewel of the small village it was located in. Just Like when it was first built and the lords and ladies of this family who owned this home resided within it. The home was the talk of the village but this time it wasn't about what scandals were taking place or what parties were coming up. Instead, it was to talk about the poor unwanted children who lived there, the children who whenever they were seen we're always polite and who the villagers could see were screaming out for love and a real home to call their own and a family to call there own but who know it wouldn't happen for them.

These broken-hearted rejected unwanted kids doomed for a harder life than those who had the support of loving families were unaware of just how much they had captured the hearts of the villagers. They were unaware of the plans in action by them and others, unaware that Just like the people who had attended Annes funeral some of them were trying to become foster parents or adoptive parents so they could make the dreams of some of the children who were as yet unaware of what they were trying to do come true, to give them a real home and a family who loved them.

Unaware of what had first occurred when their very presence had been spoken of, When this home had first become slated to be a children's home most of the villagers had come together as one and went to their local authorities and protested and petitioned against the use of the building and against the children saying they didn't want young criminals like them in their midst and many other vile things that should never be said of young children trying to find there way in life. Trying to find out their place in life, never mind kids who would have it a whole lot worse than any other kid in the village. They had yelled and written letters about how they didn't want them corrupting the minds of their kids and bringing trouble to their quaint quiet village. They had fought tooth and nail for it not to be allows to open but open it did and for the first few years they had been fearful of the type of children who would live there, worried about what trouble they would bring to the peaceful little town but the children hadn't been anything as they had thought. They mostly kept to themselves and when out and about where quiet and respectful and tried to be as invisible as they could be, the children were unaware that this made the villagers feel guilty for what they had all assumed and sad, as they compared these unwanted children to there own kids. These kids were too quiet, and too submissive their fear and sadness of being rejected by anyone else was so easy to see, it was clear to everyone they were afraid to even act like the children they were meant to be and instead acted to the best of their ability as adults.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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