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Arthur gently plucked his firstborn daughter Ginevra Molly Weasley from the incubator, in which she lay sleeping peacefully he laid her in his wife's arms next to her sister for one last time. Both of his beautiful girls were oblivious to the pain and deep sorrow that was all around them. He smiled down at his daughters with a gooey look, a look that only an adoring father or a mother be smitten with his or her child could have, he loved all of his children but from the moment he had found out that he was having two little girls, they had stolen the largest piece of his heart and very shortly a piece of his heart would break and be gone possibly forever, for as much as he hoped he would see his Elle, again when she was old another to learn the truth he knew anything could happen between now and then and that it could be quite possibly the last time he saw her.

Arthur couldn't help but think that Ginny and Elle were two of the most beautiful girls in the whole world, he knew that they were going to grow up to be even more beautiful and that they were going to steal the hearts and minds of many men, his Molly had been a heart breaker and he knew without a doubt that his girls would follow suit and be Heartbreakers as well. Curled up in his wife's arms Ginny broke the silence and started whimpering her cries echoing around the room he believed that the loud crying would awaken Elle and she too would start crying but it never happened. It was as if Elle knew Ginny needed comfort, she made a small gurgling sound stretched out her chubby little arms, and took one of Ginny's hands into her own. This small action instantly soothered Ginny and her crying ceased as suddenly as it had come. Both girls needed each other that was clear to see and that made what was soon to happen that much worse.

Molly and Arthur looked down at their sleeping twin daughters with tears rolling down their faces and they both thought the same thing, how cute they looked together it tore at their hearts, that their already blossoming love for each other couldn't continue. Looking down at their two precious daughters they forced themselves to smile, in the hopes that should they look back at this day in the future, there could at least be this small bit of happiness. if anyone was watching them, they would think that they were the perfect, happy little family, a family without a care in the world but Molly and Arthur were anything but. They couldn't take their eyes off Elle, they were trying to take in every tiny little detail of her features and store it away in their minds. So they could use it again and again, whenever the pain of losing her overtook them. They wanted, no they needed to remember everything about her, as they both knew that their time with her would soon be over. That separation they already knew would be the most painful thing that either of them would ever have to feel. They were so sadly wrong about that though, in the future another great sorrow would fall upon their family, and once again it would be one they couldn't stop.

An old and rather tall and skinny man with a long white beard and matching white hair appeared out of thin air. On his arm dangled a beautiful white woven wicker basket with a beautiful pink and white flower embroidered lining. " A gift from Minerva " he exclaimed pointing to the basket on his arm, " she wanted to give the poor baby something ". Molly and Arthur nodded Minerva was one of their oldest and closest friends and Molly wished at that moment, that Minerva was with her. After all, she like Molly had lost a dearly and most wanted daughter. Unlike Minerva though she at least had a chance, that she would see her daughter again but Minerva could only see hers when they were reunited in death.

Dumbledore's long blue cloak was billowing out behind him as he walked over to his friends, his voice wobbling as he spoke betraying the strength and calmness he was trying to show " I am so so sorry Molly and Arthur but it's time. I have got to take her now, she needs to be protected ". With a heavy heart, Molly placed Ginny back in her incubator and then held Elle even tighter. " Please Albus, please I beg you with all my heart, please don't take her away from me, away from us, we are her family we can protect her, don't take her. I can't just let her go, I love her so much, please don't make me give her to you. Please" Dumbledore stood there listing to this mother, his friend begging to keep her longed-for child, he wanted to let her so much, he had no desire to tear this child away from her loving family and away from her world but he had no choice the fates had already decided that. " Molly I knew you love her, I know that but she must come with me, the longer she's in this hospital room the closer the danger comes she must vanish from this world it must be like she never existed. I'm so very sorry but it's what has to happen". Molly hadn't heard a word he had said, in her desperation to keep her child she had refused to allow herself to hear them. " no Dumbledore I am sorry but you can't just take her I won't allow it. I love her she's my daughter, we can protect her, we will hide her away, no one bar us will know she lives. We won't allow her to leave the house. No one bar her family will see her, and no one will know about her, at least she will be with her family and loved ones. Please Dumbledore please don't take her, I beg you" she pleaded over and over again.

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