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Mystic cottage the words rolled like a waterfall off the tip of Jasminda's tongue, who she wondered came up with such a strange mysterious name? Jasminda wondered if there was some special hidden meaning behind the name of their home she wondered if behind the normal facade of this home lay something magical. She wondered if she would ever find out the meaning behind the name a name that was becoming stranger to her by the second. Her curiosity peaked, even more, when they reached the large golden sealed gates of the home address that they had been given.

Jasminda and Joseph couldn't help but stare at the gates in front of them. These were not normal gates, instead, the golden metal gates they had seen from a distance were linked shapes of strange metal animals and creatures, animals and creatures they had never before seen or heard of Jasminda and Joseph shook their heads in awe each one wondering just what those animals and creatures were. Their interest in this mysterious unknown couple who wanted to adopt Lucy and Maisey intensified. Just who was this couple Jasminda and Joseph wondered.

Jasminda and Joseph grew confused surely only a well of family, a rich family could afford gates like this and why would such a rich couple want to adopt two poor unwanted orphan girls? There was only one thing for it they must be at the wrong home. Joseph turned to Jasminda and glared " thanks a bunch Jas, you have written the wrong directions and now we are lost and have wasted a whole morning for nothing, there is nothing for it but to go back to the office and hope we can contact them and arrange another visit. This time I will write the directions so we get where were supposed to be.

Jasminda bit her tongue and kept silent knowing that if she spoke she would say something she would later regret, even though she loved Joseph with all her heart, at times she also hated him, at times he made her so angry, and now was one of the times. She was angry with Joseph as she knew she had written them down properly. She had even repeated them to the couple over and over to make sure she knew without a doubt that they were at the right place now she just had to find a way to get the gates open and prove to Joseph that they were in the right place.

Jasminda climbed out of the car looking for some way to open the large seemingly vibrating golden gates, she was so busy looking for some kind of button or leaver that she failed to see the eyes of the two lion statues flanking either side of the gate flicking in her direction. As her hands came into contact with the gates she felt a wave of coolness passing over her and then as if by magic the gates swung open ready to admit her. Entering the car Jasminda glared at Joseph as if to say I told you I wrote them down correctly. I told you we were in the right place. While glaring at Joseph she wondered what that coolness passing over her was, she was unaware that she had just had her first taste of magic, magic that she didn't believe in.

The car swept up the long tree-lined sweeping drive soon the house began peeking over the tops of the trees. When at long last their eyes caught the first sight of the beautiful home in front of them, they couldn't stop themselves from letting out a gasp of awe at the beauty of the home in front of them. This home was no cottage, the name on the plaque on the wall outside the gates was a misnomer, it was just too large to be called that. With its three large double garages and its differently shaped windows and turrets, this home was truly a sight to behold. They couldn't stop themselves from letting out a second gasp at the beauty of the house in front of their eyes. Staring up at the house in front of them, they were stunned at how gorgeous this home was everything about this home spoke of money of elegance.

The home was neither large nor small but just right for a new family starting out, set back from the drive and surrounded with flowering gardens, its beauty was only brought out even more by stone and cream painted facade. As the sun shone and the suns rays beat down on it, its many large windows sparkled and glimmered in the sun's bright rays, with its beautifully designed cream, stone, and contrasting brown roof it was easy to see a lot of thought had been put into this home when it was built. This house was perfect it was a home that Jasminda would love to have as her own, but with a wage like hers it would always be a dream as she would never be able to afford a place like this .

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