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The bright welcoming lights of the hospital should have been beckoning to Jasminda by now but instead, all she could see was house after house. Jasminda was completely and inexplicably lost, she had no idea which way to turn or what road to take to lead her to the hospital, the one place that at this moment in time she was so desperate to get to. She didn't understand how this had happened, as she had driven these familiar roads and streets thousands of times before and never once had she lost her way. She pulled over to the side of willow Drive and sighed in frustration, today was proving to be a very long day, she had been expecting to pick Lucy up without any problems and take her to Sandybrook, she hadn't expected to find her isolated from the other children, living in Squalor and looking beat up and emaciated. She wanted to get Lucy to the hospital and soon, she needed to know if she was okay she also still had many other children she had to see today and she wanted to see them all, she needed to know they were safe and not being abused as well, she needed to know she wasn't failing any more of them. She would from now on probe much deeper into the lives of her children to ensure that they were safe and well cared for. She wanted to see these children so much today But she knew deep down she wouldn't get to she had a strong feeling she would be at the hospital for a long time as the sickly-looking and beaten-up Lucy had to take priority.

She leaned down and rummaged in the small packed glove box of her car, pulling out bits of paper, CDs, boiled sweets, and many other little bits until at long last her fingers clamped around the two objects she needed at that moment, her trusted well-worn book of maps and her huge Panasonic d mobile phone. The phone that every social worker had been issued at the beginning of that year. The phone weighed a ton and looked like a brick oh how she wished she could have one much smaller and lightweight one that could fit into her pocket but she didn't think that would ever happen, just having a phone on hand was amazing in itself. Jasminda scanned the maps trying to locate where she was and which route she had to take to get to her desired destination as she did so the sun vanished from the sky and Carnage ensued. The once silent and still trees began shaking in the wind, their branches and twigs snapping and creaking, the trees were writhing and flailing, as the branches were stripped bare of their once beautiful green, yellow, and orange colored leaves. Leaves that now lay on the floor were whipped all around by the howling wind. Their groans of pain were carried away by the wind, the Irish banshee, like screaming finally made Jasminda look up from her task and she was horrified to see that she hadn't noticed the sudden shift and change of the weather and how strong the wind had become. Lately, she mused to herself she had been failing to notice a lot of things, she must she thought to herself try to push aside the memories of her parents, the memories that had been troubling her, and get her head back in the game before something happened that couldn't be fixed occurred.

Jasminda watched silently as the wind continued her path of war-like behavior and ravaged the plants and trees all around uprooting weeds and shrubs and in a fit of ever-consuming rage sending them flying, even the overflowing bins lining the streets were not spared they were tossed about in the wind spewing there waste all over the road and path. Rubbish was lifted and carried miles away. Rain hammered the ground and an impenetrable salvo of bullets pelted the windscreen of Jasmindas prized red Lexus. The sound should have awoken the devil himself but still, Lucy slept on oblivious to the chaos all around her. It was like the gods that her mother told her all about as a child was having a huge war above her head and raining the after effects down on humanity. Livid raven black storm clouds reared up like a cobra readying itself for an attack on the prey it had hunted and desired for so long. They spat bright blue bolts of thunder and lightning mercilessly onto the pitiful scene of humanity below, expressing their anger at them, showing them their anger that humanity was extremely, failing its most vulnerable the people who needed the most care and help the children, the elderly and the disabled the venom like streaks of thunder and lighting forked across the ever-darkening stormy sky not unlike burning venom.

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