Chapter 57

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Zayn's POV

I never went home last night. I was furious and I had to let it soothe down before I came face to face with Brooklyn. I didn't want her to see me furious because she would of had more questions to pop up on me and I'm not ready to lie. If either of the options happen, I'm sure the outcome would be the same. She's going to pack up and she is going to leave me.

It's not even hard to imagine, because, why would she want to spend her life with a liar? I've already kept this from her for so long, I don't know who I'm more pissed at, Logan or me. I want to strangle that fucking bastard for threatening me about the page. I need to come clean with Brooklyn. I can't hold my own feelings of my mistake inside me, it will only tear us apart and hurt Brooklyn.

I don't want to see her hurt. I love her so much. I was the one that told her that I was supposed to trust her. Yet here I am, like a idiot, and doing the complete opposite from what I said.

I need to leave from this park, I've been here way too long and I've done way too much thinking. I grab my black leather jacket from the park bench and slip my arms into the sleeves as I stand up. I look around at my surroundings before I take off in a blur.

I arrive back at the house in five minutes at the most. I stand in front of the house, nervous as hell, about what I'm going to admit to Brooklyn. I clench and unclench my fists, she is never going to forgive me. Just as I'm about to take a step closer to the house, the front door swings open and Brooklyn comes stomping out with Liam and Breckon following behind her.

"Brooklyn just wait! Be patient." Liam says in the most convincing voice but Brooklyn tunes her out.

Brook tries to take another step away from Breckon but before she could Breckon grabs Brooklyn's shoulders and turns her around.

"Look me in the eyes right now Brooklyn," Breckon's icy eyes stare into Brook's eyes, "he will be b-" Breckon stops what she is saying when she notices me walking towards the three of them. Breckon clenches her jaw at the sight of me and Liam pinches the bridge of his nose.

Brooklyn turns around with wild eyes, like a match has been ignited but never extinguished. Her hair is stuck to her face by tears falling from her eyes. When she notices me standing a couple of steps away from her she freezes. Her mouth parts open, but then it clenches shut. Tears have stopped falling from her face, but her eyes are blood red. The air around us had gotten suddenly thick, leaving me clueless on how to move and act.

Brooklyn opens her mouth, "I trusted you." She spits out.

I feel all my thoughts and insides go weak. She knows.

"You basically held my heart, and I trusted you with every single fucking piece of it, but you dropped it and broke it as if it was just glass." She says with more anger as she speaks a new word.

I part my lips about to say something back, but she is right. I did break her heart.

"Everything you've said to me is just all toppled over now. You lied to me, you told me you would never hurt me and you would do anything to keep me from hurting, but you, you are the one that hurt me," the furious green eyed girl takes a step towards me, "is that where you have been this whole time? Going behind my back and kissing someone else-"

"Brooklyn, please hear me out." I beg, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Why would I want to listen to anything else you have to say, it seems to me that everything you have told me is all a lie. That is all it seems to me now, it all just seems like a fucking lie and there is no way you can go back to fix it!" She fires.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2017 ⏰

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