Chapter 34

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Zayn's POV

"No!" I bang my fist against the wall, "she can't just pass out and start dying!"

"What happened then!" Niall shouts throwing his arms out, almost about to hit Harry.

"I don't know... I don't know but something had to of happened." I shake my head. Im furious now. Last night I was scared, I was scared for Brooklyn. But now I am just furious. It doesn't seem right, she can't just die.

"Have you talked to her yet? At all about it?" Harry asks.

"No, not yet. I never asked her anything last night, she was too overwhelmed about what had happened, plus she is still sleeping, right now." I say.

I trace back to last night my memory back to last night. Just before Brooklyn had passed out the power had suddenly gone out, but yet the weather was not bad outside. Since the power was out we couldn't watch the movie so we walked up the stairs, while on the way up there Harry had stopped us. Brooklyn stood next to us while Harry and I talked, but she then backed up into me. When I looked into her eyes she looked frightened. She looked frightened... She looked frightened.

"Guys," I look at Harry and Niall in their eyes. "Last night the power had gone out, and when I had talked to Harry last night in the hall, Brooklyn was acting different, like she was scared, she had backed up into me like she saw something... or heard."

After I'm done speaking both Niall an Harry look into my eyes with seriousness, "what do mean she acted like she saw something." Niall asks, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"She looked up at me with fear, and then back in front of her. I looked where she did but I saw nothing." I shrug my shoulders.

"But she did." Harry says.

"I don't know for sure but she acted like it," I run my hand through my hair, "I will talk to her when she wakes up."

Louis POV

I quietly open the door to Brooklyn's room aware of her still sleeping. I close the door behind me and walk over towards her bed and sit down. I look down at Brooklyn that has dark circles around her eyes from what happened last night. I never came out of my room because I did not want to see her that way. I looked out into the hallway and that was the first thing I saw. She was lying in Zayn's arms weak, and immobile. Zayn was shouting for someone to hurry, I don't get why he never used his power that can freeze time. If he would've used that power he could've saved Brooklyn's life faster.

I still want Brooklyn badly, so badly. She is so beautiful, I love the way her hair curls and her eyes glow with happiness. If I would have been quick enough like Zayn she could of been mine instead of his. I very gently brush back a piece of hair that rests on her face. I freeze when the smell of blood rushes through my nose and into my senses.

She is still human. He hasn't claimed her as his yet. Does he know, yet, that anyone can take her from him? Before I can do anything to her I stand up from the bed and walk out of the room. I can't do this. Just as I open the door Zayn is standing in front of me. He looks at me raising an eyebrow, I ignore him and brush past him.

I feel his cold hand touch my shoulder, "what were you doing in there?" His voice low.

"I was checking on her," I simply state while turning around and looking at him.


"She was dying last night, why wouldn't I check on her?" He sarcastically laugh. I am not in the mood to deal with Zayn right now. Sometimes he can be over protective. Most of the time.

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