Chapter 46

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I lean against the bathroom wall and wipe my mouth. I definitely have a stomach bug, this is not how I planned to spend my Saturday. Being sick. I flush the toilet and wash my mouth out, trying to get the horrible taste out of my mouth. I walk back to my room and get dressed, my appointment is in an 45- minutes. I slip on a t-shirt and skinny jeans, I feel too horrible and too tired to put on nice clothes on.

I walk downstairs and Joyce is already in the kitchen cooking. She smiles as she sees me, "do you want something to eat?" She asks.

"No," I shake my head, "I have already thrown up this morning." 

Joyce frowns, "at least get a granola bar and carry it with you if you get hungry." 

"No, I'm not hungry and I don't want to take a chance of getting sick at the doctors." I say while putting my phone in my pocket. She sighs while turning back to the food she is cooking.

"I need to go now, where are your keys?" I question.

"Right there," she points towards the kitchen table.

I grab them, "I will see you later, bye."

"Goodbye." She says as I close the front door behind me.
I open the door to the doctors office and walk to the front desk.

"Hello," the lady chirps happily behind the desk, and I respond back saying hi.

"What is your name?" She questions looking into her computer screen.

"Brooklyn st- sanders." The keys to the keyboard click as she types.

"Ah, you have an appointment with Doctor wood," she smiles, "if you can just sit down in the waiting room and fill this paper out that would be splendid."

"Okay," I take the paper from her grip, and scan over the sheet, "may I ask a quick question?"

"Sure." She replies quickly.

"What is this for?"

"It's information that the doctor may need to see."

"Oh, okay, thank you." I say and walk towards a seat and sit down.

My stomach growls from hunger but I try to ignore it. I do not want to get sick here. I grab the pen and pop the top off of it then begin filling in the empty blanks. Everything was flowing fine until one question caught me off guard.

When was your last period?

I feel my mouth go completely dry. I was supposed to have my period last week. Maybe it's just late? Right? This kind of thing happens all the time.

To girls who get pregnant. My subconscious adds and I mentally tell it to shut up. But I can't be. There is no possible way. My mind flashes back to my birthday. Zayn and I. We made love that day. I feel my whole body freeze. This can't be possible, though, he is a vampire. I rub my hand over my face, maybe just maybe my period is late....? I don't think I am even ready to have a child yet. I am not even out of high school yet, I would be if I just would have learned to use the toilet quicker. So maybe it isn't that bad? What am kidding! I'm only 19.

I take a deep breath while closing my eyes trying to collect all my thoughts. I need Zayn. I feel my eyes starting to water inside but I wipe them with the back of my hand.

I will be back for you.

I hope so.

I open my eyes and take another deep breath and releasing it. I look around the lobby I sit in and it is empty except for me. I pull the collar of my shirt and look down at my stomach. It's still the same size, I think?

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