Chapter 50

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Songz for this chapter-
   You and I- one direction
   Over again- one direction


I groggily sit up from my bed, whilst wiping my hands over my face. I look over at my alarm clock reading the time, 11:25 a.m., I glance around my room that is dark, for a second I'm wondering why it is so dark but I find that out when thunder claps outside.

I walk downstairs and grab the Orange juice out of the fridge, pouring it into a cup. I tilt the liquid into my parched mouth and swallow it. Once the glass is empty I set it in the sink and drag myself into the living room, plopping onto the couch. I reach for the remote but in the corner of my eye I catch something standing there and that's when I scream.

"Fuck! Help!" I fall off the couch as I try to hurry away, "mom! Help me!" I screech as I stand up and run towards the front door. My heart beats against my chest as I try to unlock the door.

Fuck! Shit! Fuck! Why isn't no one coming down here!

The door finally unlocks and I sprint outside and into the rain. I turn around but no one is behind me. I continue to run, afraid of going back inside of my house. My clothes start to get heavy as run soaks into them and water rushes along my face.

"Stop." A weak voice says, I think. I might just be going crazy! I don't listen to the voice I heard. My legs nervously shake as I run and my heart beats against my chest at an unhealthy pace.

I look behind me but no one is there. Maybe I was just hallucinating. I probably never saw someone. After all it was just in the corner of my eye. . . But yet it seemed so clear. And by the time I unlocked the door Joyce or John would of been down there already. They don't have work on Sunday's so they should've been there.

I feel I've just been shot in the chest. What if someone actually was there and killed them while I was sleeping. I can't tell if there are actual tears streaming from my eyes or the rain coming from the sky. I need to go back but I can't. What if the person I saw is still inside.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by a loud honk and then a blur.


Air sucks into my lungs as I sit up. I manage to open my eyes even through the heaviness of them. I stand up from the bed, my head a little dizzy at first, my feet hit cold floor and that's when I realize I am not in my bedroom. I glance around the room. White walls, white flooring, tubes connected to my skin, heart monitor, and gown.


I furrow my eyebrows. Why am I here? I look at my arms and there are bandages covering certain areas. How come I don't remember why I am here? I need to ask someone. I take a step but the tubes connected to me keep me from doing so. I groan to myself.

A gasp comes from behind me and I turn around to find a nurse walking into the room quickly.

"Sweetie please lay back down." She says softly but I don't.

"W-why am I here?"  I say looking into her eyes, confused.

"Please lay back down, I will get your doctor in here and he will explain everything that happened, I promise. Just please lay back down, let your mind focus." She sweetly smiles.

I slowly nod my head and climb into the hospital bed. I blankly stare up at the ceiling. I need to know why I am here and how long I have been here. A knock from the door causes me to jump but I recover quickly.

"Miss Sanders I see that your finally awake." A male voice speaks and I suspect it's the doctor.

"Yeah." I mumble whilst still looking at the white ceiling.

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