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So it's Sunday and that means it's officially time for me to leave and start at university. I'm gone miss my niggas and some people at school. This is real shit I'm graduating. I have my diploma but I still get to walk across the stage when all of my classmates do.

I woke up to Traci and Trin. Ci Ci was jumping on my bed. What actually woke me up is that she jumped on my ass and smooshed my dick into the mattress. That shit felt bad so I hopped up and ran to my bathroom to check on little TJ.

Once I figured he was good I used the toilet and hopped in the shower. I washed myself and got out. No extra shit.

When I got out I wrapped a towel around my waist and brushed my teeth then washed my face. Going into my closet I put a little polo lotion on and slid on my Jordan sweats and Jordan hoodie with Jordan socks and slides.

Most of my newer clothes were packed and in my car along with my shoe boxes.

I went to my room and saw that Trin and Ci Ci were still there. "Why are y'all still in my room?"

"Why you still ugly nigga?" see this goofy ass girl always talking shit.

"Get out before I show pops that picture of you in that small ass dress and tall ass heels"

"See now you ain't even right. I ain't do nothing to you I was just leaving, see," she said getting up and leaving out the door.

"That's what I thought."

"Twent? Why you leaving me? I didn't mean to cuss. I m sorry. don't leave please. I won't do it no more I promise." Traci said tears streaming down her face. Damn this shit is awkward as hell. I don't do well with crying.

"Hey! Ci Ci stop that crying. Be a big girl. I'm only leaving for a little ill be back before you even know it. I'm not leaving you." I explained to her she just needs to dry it up ill be back in three months at the end if the trimester.

"Ok I twust you Twent no let me down. Because I member that one time you told me you take me to the ice cweam place and you fell to sleep and never waked back up. You hurt my felling and I lost twust in you for mmmmmm 5 minutes. but then I get over it because I go to sleep too" She said. What are they teaching her in school. When I was her age I was saying things in sentences. She forming paragraphs and shit.

"I apologized to you for that. I was really sorry."

"No forget sorry I wanted ice cweam."

"Don't get smart with me or imma go in my car find a belt and whoop yo lil ass."

"Whatever," she said before getting up and running out my room. She is bad as fuck. When I catch her I'm gone pop the shit outta her.

"Trent come eat!!" my moms yelled from the kitchen. Now that I'm paying attention I do smell food.

I walk down stairs and I see Trin, Courtney, Selena, My pops, Traci, Tevin, David, Eli, and some girl I have never seen before in the dining room. My moms is in the kitchen moving her body stirring eggs while Eli was making a beat on the table. My moms was saying, "Throw that ass in a circle aaaa Throw that ass in a circle." me and Trinity were just looking at her.

My dad was in the Kitchen douging. But the fucked up thing about it is that he was killing that shit. But I was still embarrassed.

The rest of them were diddy bopping like they were back ground dancing. Even Traci.

"No, no, no imma need you hold the ass throwing ma. This is too much for me," Trin said. That had every one laughing.

"What you mean? I can't sing that or something. I mean I can throw that ass in a circle. Just ask ya dad."


"Yo can we just eat?" I said getting mad. She need not to be saying shit like that it's nasty as hell.

"Yea come on y'all," my pops said. Every one sat down and we said prayer. Every body fixed there plates and they started eating. I kept my eyes trained on Selena. She was picking at her food and not really talking.

When breakfast was over all the "kids" went out side to chill for a hour until we had to leave.

"Aye Lena let me talk to you," I said walking over to her pulling her arm. "Ok," she said walking after me. I took her to the shaded tree kind of away from everyone.

"Wassup wit you. You don't look..... I don't know but shit you don't look the same as when I met you. You kinda look bothered. You aight?

"Yea I'm good I'm just gone miss Trin you know."

"Naw it's something else. You can tell me Lena. And I want to apologize about yesterday at the party. I was just not feeling right. I had a few drinks and I wasn't thinking. But you do got a smart ass mouth and that's prolly what set me off." That made her smile.

"It's nothing just dealing with an Ex. But I'm sorry too. I had a couple shots and I'm a lightweight. When I get drunk I get a little reckless."

"It's cool ma I accept. We cool?"

"Yea we cool." She said while hugging me. She smelled good as fuck and it took everything in me not to grab her ass.

"Iight then let's go back to these people." when I said that she walked back to them with me following her. And y'all already know what I was looking at 😉😉.

When we got back they were all looking at us with curiosity. "The fuck y'all looking at?"

"What was y'all doing ova there?" Courtney asked.

"We, was minding our business. Something yo ass need to start doing," Selena replied.

"Who this soccer ball head having ass girl talking to?"

" Wanch I'm talking to you. Don't start with me with yo rag doll looking ass." Selena laughed.

Shit they wasn't lying. Selena head kinda big and Courtney had on this blue dress and the 75% of her hair was dyed red.

"Shaking my head. Y'all too much. But it's almost time for y'all to go because they bout to head out. TO GOT TO COLLEGE AND GET THE HELL OUT MY HOUSE!!!," My moms said while doing the raven symone dance. For one how she know smh. For two why she keep trynna dance.

"Ok let's go. I'm tired of this shit man." I said walking in the house with them following after me.

When we reached the front door I gave my niggas some man hugs and gave Court a hug. When I got to Selena I hugged her and kissed her neck a little. What? I just couldn't resist.

The girls did a fake cry session and we just laughed at them. As soon as every one left my moms walks up to me and slaps the shit out of me in the back of my head.

"What the f-"

"I dare you to say another curse word boy. I gives no fuck if you mad or not suck it up and stop acting like a bitch boy. If I wanna shake my ass then Imma do that you don't pay no bills." My moms said while walking up the stairs to get my dad.

When they came back I was glad Traci didn't come with them because she was gone make me feel guilty for leaving.

" I can't believe that my babies are leaving to go to college. Trin remember tease. Be sexy but not a hoe. Trent if I hear you out here messing with these nasty little girls you gone be home schooled I don't need no grand kids." my moms said to us. You see the way she treat me?

"Trinity Crystal let me see what you packed. And don't think you slick I saw you leave this house in that small ass dress, trying to get me while I'm sleep. If I find out you talking to ANY of these little niggas I'm gone fuck you up I'm not playing. Trent Maurice remember what I told you wrap it up. Chlamydia is a bitch." My pops said. He ain't even got to worry bout Trin because I got her.

My ma was looking at my pops like how the hell you know how Chlamydia fell. I took that as a sign from Jesus himself that it's time to go.


Short Chater

Next Chapter will be Three months later at Graduation Ceremonies.

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