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While I was drinking this SEXY man came up to me and said,” Aye lil mama my nephew said can he holla at chu for a quick second.

I looked over to where he was pointing and almost shit my pants.

What he doing here and why he wanna talk to me?


“What do you want Christian? We don’t got nothing to talk about,” I said with anger and hurt building within me again.

Christian is my Ex that I JUST caught cheating. That was last week and he hasn’t called, texted, or stopped by. So I thought he was over it. He really hurt me because I actually liked him ALMOST loved but he showed those true colors.

“Come on baby come with me,” he said in a tight voice while moving towards the bathrooms. I followed him because I wanted to hear what he was about to say. We all make dumb decisions right?

He led me to a corner right by the bathrooms and he put his back to one while staring at me intently and sipping his drink. While he was looking at me I was looking at him. He is still fine, with his naturally low eyes, his dark pink lips, and slight beard under his chin. His body was nice to; slight 6pack and that DeAngelo “V”.

“What chu been up to Selena?” he said trying to make ‘small’ talk. He is pissing me off. I didn’t break up with you just so we could talk like nothing happened a week later. He needs to get his crap together.

“Look Chris I don’t have time for this. I came here with someone and I can’t keep them waiting so I can chat shit up with YOU.” I wish he would just get to it I don’t have all night.

“Who are you here with? I better not be no nigga Lena I don’t play that cheating shit.” When he said that a lot of things came in my mind but the only thing I could do was laugh. Was he serious? I looked up with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Then I stopped. He was serious.

“What do you mean ‘you don’t play that cheating shit’? Nigga you JUST cheated on me. Then didn’t call after I saw you and Afriika fucking in your living room on the blanket I bought your dad. Get the fuck outta my face dude. I can fuck who ever I want to so go to the lake and kick rocks.

“Who are you talking to Lena? You ain’t fucking nobody but me girl that pussy is mine and always will be baby. Don’t forget it. We still together don’t forget that shit either.” He said while he pushed me against my wall of the corner. “I didn’t call because I thought you need time to absorb what Chu saw and get over it. But I can see you ain’t ready to let that go so I’ll see you Monday after school.” He voiced then walked away.

I just stood there fist balled and tears running down my face. Why is he such a fuck ball? I hate his ass. I’m glad we don’t go to the same school. So I don’t have to see all the time. I just stood there and wiped my tears. Why was I crying anyways? Because I was still hurt and I was angry he said what he said. I just need to get home.


Short I know but more is to come loves.

Christian and Selena on the side>>>>>>>>

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