Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - Jasmine's POV

"What's taking Sam so long?"

The 3 of us are already in the meeting place and Sammy is nowhere to be found. I kept on glancing and checking my messages to make sure that I didn't miss any of her calls or texts. After maybe 5 minutes, that's when I received a text message from her. "Guys, look," I showed it to Brenda and Cecile:

Guys whatever you find, just pay for it. I'm calling off the break-in tonight. Adrian is back and I have some business to take care off. I'm leaving the clothes I've found on the counter. And could you guys take a cab going back home? Sorry!

This is so unusual of her! I swear. Sam, ditching a robbery? "Well, we have to follow what our leader says," Brenda said. Cecile and I nodded our heads in agreement. We headed over to the counter and paid for everything. "Hey, Jaz," Cecile said. "Look what Sam has picked out for you." She lifted the white shirt, maong jacket, skirt and the heels and accessories. I gasp. "It's beautiful. I love it!"

"Sam really has the best fashion sense," Brenda said.

"I can so totally agree," Cecile replied. "Come on, let's catch a cab so we can all have our beauty sleeps."

We called a taxi and one by one, we each got dropped off. I was first. I paid the taxi driver and bid goodbye to my friends. As the taxi left, I entered my house.


I smelled something delicious coming from the kitchen. Mom had probably made roast turkey -- my favorite! But she only cooks it when we have a visitor. I turned the door knob when my mom yanked the door open. "Ah, sweetie," and she gave me a warm hug. "Where have you been?" She let go of the hug. "I just went to the mall with my friends," I replied.

"Oh, good you're back. I have a surprise for you," she gestured me to go into the house and into the dinning room.

"What's the surprise mom? I'm-" I couldn't move. Our guest turned around. "Hi, Jasmine. Miss me?"

I dropped my shopping and screamed. "Peyton! It's you!" I ran and gave her a warm hug.

"Of course it's me," she said. "I missed my best friend."

Peyton Philips. My childhood best friend. We've been through everything together. Our first baths, our first walks, everything. We moved here to L.A. when I was 5. When we heard the news, I didn't want to leave Alabama. I argued with my parents, begging them to stay. I didn't want to leave my best friend. But eventually, my parents won the screaming contest, and we moved. On the day we leave, Peyton's family was there to bid us farewell. Peyton was crying, so was I. When the last luggage was loaded in the taxi's compartment, both of us hugged each other so tight, like we couldn't be broken apart. She whispered something in my ear. "Someday, I promise I will visit you. I promise that we would see each other very soon." I whisper back to her, "And I promise, that our friendship will never ever change. No problems or secrets kept, everything we'll go through together." We broke apart from our embrace, and I hopped into the taxi and looked back as the taxi started to move. I waved to Peyton, she was still crying. For the last time, I took a last look on my little community, and shut the window when Peyton and her family were out of sight.

Now that she was here, I was glad, excited. She really kept her promise. "When did you get here?" I asked smiling.

"Yesterday," she chuckled. "I first visited my aunt who recently moved here a few months ago, and stayed there for the night. Oh, and I applied for a scholarship in Beverly Hills High, and I got the call from the principal this morning, and I made it."

"Wait, you-"

She cut me off, "Yes, I'm staying here in L.A., with you!" she said excitedly.

"Seriously?" I asked. "What did Aunt Debby and Uncle Harvey say?"

"They said I'm allowed to stay, provided that I keep up my grades and I stay a good girl."

"Omg yay! Now I can introduce you to my other BFF's! I bet they're going to love you!"

"Awesome!" she replied and we both kept jumping up and down rejoicing.

"Jaz, why don't you take Peyton to your room and help her get unpacked and settled so it won't be that much of a hassle for Monday," my mom suggested.

"Ok, mom," I said. "Come Pey! Let's get you settled." And the 2 of us rushed to my bedroom.


I helped Peyton unpack her last luggage and place her things in the spare closet that I don't really use. "Your room is gigantic!" she said. "Compared to my room back in Alabama."

Well it is true. I really have a gigantic bedroom. Lots of cabinets, queen sized pull out bed, and many more which I can't enumerate cause there are too much stuff in it. "I can have a look around?" Pey asked.

"Of course! You'll be staying here as well so better familiarize yourself."

She examined everything. Same old Peyton. Every little detail she covered up. She was about to open the drawer near the bathroom when I ran and blocked her. "What's this?" she asked inquisitively.

"Oh, it's nothing," I replied not looking her in the eyes.

"C'mon, Jaz. It has to be something. Remember your promise? No secrets to be kept?"

Well, it's different now, and that promise was broken. I could not tell her about us being the Los Angeles Sweethearts, so I decided to make up an alibi.

"Fine. It's just my report cards and school stuff. I don't think you're gonna want to see them."

"Ok, then," she didn't say it seriously. Phew.

"Yeah, um, so, let's rest then," I pulled out the pull out bed. "You've got to be tired from today and it's a big day tomorrow right?" And she returned a smile.

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