Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 -- Brenda's POV

Music is my life.

I practically grew up with it. My mom and dad are musical entertainers at the nightclub just down our street. That's how they met. And they got married and had me. When I was 4, my dad got me my first guitar. It was pink and it's design was Barbie. I was so thankful since it was all I've ever wanted when I was a kid. My dad taught me everything I needed to know. As I got older, I got better. My mom also got me a piano, ukelele, and a banjo. I am a fast learner, according to my parents and relatives, so they decided to teach me as many musical instruments as they can. That's how I got the talent. Aside from being one of the Queens of Beverly Hills High, I am also the Queen of Music in school. A lot of fellow schoolmates ask me to teach them how to play the instrument of their choice, and in the end of the lesson, they are able to play at least one song. This year, I also found out I have an angelic voice. It started at Samantha's Sweet 16, whereas it was spotlight karaoke. The spotlight landed on me and I had to sing in front of the whole school. Since I didn't want to ruin my reputation, I decided to sing Lorde's Royals. At the end of my performance, I got a standing ovation. And Sam said it was the best performance of the night. When Sam told us the idea of stealing fashion items, I immediately said yes. Why? Because my parents are having financial problems at the moment, and all of my clothes are so last year. That's why I agreed. Cecile agreed too, and Jaz did as well. It was so fun sneaking in and stealing whatever I want. So after that, I was excited to know what our leader has in store for us.


"I was thinking, what if we do the major robbery? Like steal something very important," Sam said with an evil look.

"I don't like the sound of that Sam. What if-" Jasmine said.

"Sweet, dear old Jasmine. What if what? We get caught? You don't end up with sweet handsome Nathan?" replied Samantha.

"Whatever. Just go on with your plan," Jasmine answered back.

"Ok, what if we rob the famous Los Angeles amulet?"

"The one owned by the founder of L.A.?" Cecile said, closing her book. "Keep going."

"I was planning, if we do it next month, on December. On the last day of the year," Sam's sneaky face made this look dangerous, but fun.

"Will anyone know it's us? I mean, its security is you know, more secured than the ones at the mall," I asked inquisitively.

Sam lowered her voice. "We're the Los Angeles Sweethearts right? If we are able to rob fashionable clothes, why not a fashionable, one of a kind amulet?"

"This maybe risky, but what could possibly go wrong?" Cecile's adrenaline was starting to rise. "I'll start researching on its location and the problems we may encounter."

"Then it's settled," I said. "This operation is on it's way."


After lunch, I went to the restroom to fix my hair. I put up my dark brown hair in a ponytail and retouched my make-up. I added more blue eye shadow to bring out my stunning brown eyes. After, I headed to the new class I signed up for this semester. Drama. I headed towards the theater and met Samantha there. "Ready for this Brenda? It's super fun!"

"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied nervously.

And we pushed the theater door open.

"Ms. Jones, I believe this is the new student your were talking about?" asked Ms. Young, the acting teacher.

"Yes, ma'am," Sam said smiling while tucking her long blonde hair behind her ear. "This is one of my best friends, Brenda Yu."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am," I said shyly.

"The pleasure is all mine," replied Ms. Young. "Now everyone," she announced to the class. "Our lesson today is about improv acting. Jonas, Darren, let's start with you guys."

"This should be interesting," Sam said as we took our seats.

"Yeah, and I believe we can use this for our break-in too."

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