Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 -- Samantha's POV


"Let's go! We might get caught."

I yelled out to my best friends who were right behind me. We were running as fast as we can, plunging into the darkness. We knew that the police were right behind us, and they were catching up. All of us has practically memorized all the escape routes in the mall, including the secret passageways which only we know about. "Turn here, hurry!" I said panicking. We turned left, and climbed up the staircase. Once we reached the top, we removed the opening of the air vent and started crawling our way out of here. I let my friends go first and when I was closing the air vent, two big, ferocious German Shepherds came dashing up the stairs barking. I gave them a mocking look on my face, and headed towards our exit. As I was crawling my way through, I heard the dogs whimpering, showing their masters that they were guilty for not being able to catch us for the 3rd time. Then I heard Officer Broen. "Those little brats escaped again! What store were they able to rob this time?" he said furiously.

"They have robbed Annie's Jewelry for the 2nd time," said Officer Pete, his co-officer. "Will they ever stop and surrender?"

"I doubt it. We also can't just accuse 4 teenage girls of being them. They are just too secretive. Their masks give them good covers. After all, they are the Los Angeles Sweethearts, the most wanted teenage thieves in Los Angeles."

I let out a little giggle, and hurriedly crawled towards the light. We closed the entrance of the other side of the air vent and plunged into the darkness.


"Did you guys see the news this morning?" Jasmine slammed my locker door as I just opened it.

"Jaz, chill," Brenda said. "It was no biggie."

"You call that no biggie? Did you see today's newspaper headline? 'The Los Angeles Sweethearts strike The Grove again.' This is not bad news to you?" Jasmine was furious.

"Jaz," I started as I removed my Biology book from my locker. "We robbed The Grove, yes, thrice, Los Angeles Mall, twice, and we also robbed Queen's Center when we visited New York last winter. We are experts at this."

"Experts?! We almost got caught, again! If we get caught, and revealed to the public or maybe even to the whole world, I don't know what am I supposed to do. My parents would be disappointed, I would lose my chance of fulfilling my dream of becoming a doctor, never ever be able to get married, have a family. My life would stink. As is literally stink cause we would be in jail for the rest of our lives!" exclaimed Jasmine.

"And don't forget we also robbed Taylor Swift's house, that's why I was able to get this awesome guitar pick," Brenda happily said as she showed us Tay's former guitar pick. "And her brother was smoking hot!"

"And we're studying in Beverly Hills High. No one would suspect the thieves to be from here," I said.

"Whatever, as long as we don't get caught, I'm fine with it," Jasmine said without full consent.

"Guys, we'd better go to Bio class. Ms. Kelly would be mad at us again," said Brenda as she started walking towards the classrooms.

"Brenda is right. We would get detention again. And Ms. Kelly said if we get one more detention, we would all lose our honor student titles," Jasmine said following Brenda.

"Ok," I said as I closed my locker. "Let's go."


"Sam, Brenda, Jaz! Over here!"

At the corner of the room sat Cecile. She waved one hand and in the other, as always, a book. "Did you see the news this morning?"

"See! Cecile understands me!" Jasmine exclaimed. "You do right?"

"I don't. That was awesome! We're on the news again! We're famous!" Cecile said.

"Whatever," Jasmine said taking her seat on the table in front of Cecile.

"Now, where should we attack next?" asked Brenda taking her seat.

"Good morning, class. Hope you guys have had a great weekend," Ms. Kelly said as she entered the room with a gigantic smile on her face.

Ms. Kelly Flores. Our home room and Biology teacher. I have never been her favorite student, and I have never liked her either. She's just new here in Beverly Hills High, and she gave me and my girls detention for being late in her class. She should realize that us, popular girls in the school take all our time in the restroom, pampering ourselves to attract attention. Well, I can conclude she was never one of us during her school days.

"Now class, turn your books to page 176, about the ecosystem," Ms. Kelly said while fixing her laptop.

I replied to Brenda, "Let's talk later."

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