Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 - Cecile's POV

"Forgot to ask you last night. How'd it go with Nathan?" I asked Jasmine during Homeroom.

"It seamed we talked for hours," she replied dreamily.

"Did you ask about his grand uncle?" Sam questioned her.

"Yes, but he won't tell me his name. He said he's kind of famous."

"Then it is true! Nathan is his grand nephew," exclaimed Brenda.

"Ok, so now what do we do? Nathan won't spill that easily," Jasmine said.

"We can make get him drunk. Bring him to the club my parents work in," suggested Brenda.

"No way!" exclaimed Jasmine.

"I know. What we need to do is to set you guys up on a date," Sam said.

"A date? Seriously?" Jaz crossed her arms. "But if this is a real date, I would want it not involved with any of this."

"Just this once," I begged. "Pretty please with sugar on top?"

"Fine," she replied. "When will it be? Sam?"

"Not immediately of course!" answered Sam. "We still have to get ready."

"You guys thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked my best friends whom also had their sneaky faces on.

Jasmine replied, "Yes, we are. And Friday night sounds like the perfect time, right?"


The weekend came in a flash. I was falling asleep in the Chinese class I take every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until the school bell rang its loudest. I rushed outside to the parking lot to meet my gals there. As I approached, I saw Jaz talking to Nathan. I watched them for a moment, trying to find out what they were talking about. After a few moments, Nathan kissed Jaz on the cheek and bid her goodbye. I decided it was time to greet Jaz. "Hey," I called out from the back of the red Fortuner.

"Woah, Cecile, you scared me," Jasmine replied. "So, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing much," I ran my fingers through my hair. "What's up with you and Nathan? Officially together?"

"Oh, no. I thought it's best to ask him out already. For the operation. He said that it's great. He said that it doesn't matter when or where. I'll just be the one to tell him the deets."

"Great! Now where are those two little divas?" I scanned around the parking lot and found them standing outside Sam's car. Wait, Sam has a car?!

"Hey fashionistas!" Sam smiled.

"Sammy, your car is an eye shocker!" Jasmine rushed to the car.

"You like it? Daddy gave it to me. His boss gave him 2 cars for being an employee at his establishment for 20 years and since daddy needs only 1, he gave the other to mwah," Sam pointed to herself fashionably.

"Guys, sorry to interrupt, but let's get going," Brenda said. "The mall closes at 9:00 today and we have a lot of stuff to steal to prepare for Jaz's date and our robbery."

I hopped in Sammy's baby and said, "Vamonos, amigos!"

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