(16) Music

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  I yawned loudly, and stretched my arms above my head. I heard birds chirping outside my window, and a guitar playing softly from downstairs. I itched at my beard and swiftly got out of bed, and quietly crept out into the hall. The living room was empty, and the guitar stumming got louder as I tip-toed towards the kitchen. I glanced at Aleks' office, which was closed off. The sound seemed to be coming from there. I stopped, and padded towards the door as quiet as possible. The guitar chords got louder, and I heard soft singing on the other side of the door. I silently opened the door a crack and peeked in. Aleks' window was emitting a soft, blue-white light throughout the room. Aleks sat criss-cross on his couch, the blue sweatshirt pulled around his body, dark grey sweatpants on, his hair messy, and a dark brown guitar sitting in his lap. He was strumming his guitar, and singing a small tune. He didn't see me at all, he just kept playing. I quickly tip-toed to the kitchen and grabbed the Nixon camera from the counter, and ran back quietly. I poked my head back in the doorway. He was still sitting there, tuning his guitar. He looked adorable. He started strumming his guitar again. I aimed the camera at him, and took a quick picture. I looked down at the display. It was perfect. His head was dipped low, looking at his guitar. The blue-white colour put a natural filter in the photo. His pale skin looked flawless and smooth, long fingers gripping the neck of the guitar. It was the most beautiful picture I had ever seen. I set the camera down next to me and looked back up at Aleks. He stopped tuning his guitar, repositioned his arms, and cleared his thoat. He began playing the tune again, only more confident. He then began singing louder, his smooth, deep voice echoing through the room. "Far away, this ship is taking me far away, far away from the memories, of the people who care if I live or die... Starlight, I will be chasing the starlight, until the end of my life, I don't know if it's worth it anymore...Hold you in my arms, I just wanted to hold, you in my arms.... My life, you electrify my life, let's conspire to ignite, all the souls that would die just to feel alive..." I was so entranced by Aleks' lyrics I hadn't noticed I was leaning against the door hard. It swung open, and I fell onto my side. Aleks yelped in surprise. "What the hell, James!!"

  "Well, jesus, Aleks!!" I scrambled up.

  "Don't creep up on me like that!!" Aleks breathed. I ignored him.

  "That was... beautiful, Aleks." I stepped towards him. He was turning a deep crimson colour.

  "Yo-you heard th-that?" He stuttered. I laughed.

  "Did you write that?" I smiled wide. He shook his head quickly.

  "Oh, no. Muse wrote that song..." He blushed more. I kissed his neck softly. He smiled and ducked his head.

  "Well, continue," I sat down in front of him, my knees drawn up. He gulped.

  "Th-this song? R-right now?"

  "Yeah, dude, go." I smiled. Aleks stared at me a second then cleared his throat, and began strumming again.

  "But I'll never let you go, if you promise not to fade away, never fade away. Our hopes and expectations... Black holes and revelations... Our hopes and expectations... Black holes and revelations.... Hold you in my arms, I just wanted to hold, you in my arms... I just wanted to hold...." He stummed his last chord, and it echoed. Aleks was bright red by now. He quickly removed the strap of his guitar off of his shoulder and placed it next to him on the couch, pulled his knees into his chest, and buried his face in his knees. I climbed up on the couch next to him, and kissed his cheek. He looked over at me. I locked lips with him, and he moved the guitar from the couch to the floor while kissing me. He fell onto his back, and wrapped his arm around my neck, and his other hand cupped my cheek. "J-james..." He mummered under his breath. I slid my arms around his waist and lifted him so we were in sitting poistion; my legs criss-crossed, Aleks' long, slender legs wrapped around my body. He set his hands on my shoulders and I kissed him hard. I wriggled Aleks' sweatpants down, and he squeaked as I grabbed his bare ass roughly. "Holy shit, your hands are cold!!" He jumped. I chuckled evilly. "N-no, James...!" I pulled my own pajama pants off. I pulled down my boxers, and did the same to Aleks. "Please, no..."

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