(5) Together

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[One Week Later]
   Aleks was finally getting better. He would occasionally cough, or sneeze, but he was back to his old self again, playing video games with the rest of the guys, blasting music from his office, dancing around the house... I glanced over at him from my spot at the kitchen table. He swayed his hips listening to some rock song on the radio, then sat down on the couch, picked up an Xbox controller, and sneezed. I chuckled at the guy.

   His dark brown hair fell over one eye as he looked up at me. "What?" He asked, genuinely curious as to what I was laughing about. I shook my head and returned to my cereal. I could hear him tapping the buttons of the controller, and sometimes mumble out a curse under his breath. I finished my cereal and dumped the empty bowl into the sink, rinsed it out, and took out my iPhone, sitting next to Aleks on the couch. I searched through Twitter and YouTube comments, which was very tedious. Some fans were pretty cool, or funny, and others were annoying as fuck.
    The button mashing next to me seized. I turned to look at Aleks, who was looking over my shoulder at the phone's screen. He then pressed his lips into mine, and I let out a surprised yelp. The game's music was still playing  in the background as Aleks ran his fingers through my short hair, slowly pushing me onto my back. I pulled my lips away from his. "Aleks, Jordan and Dan are here! We can't risk it-"

   "Why can't they know."

   I froze. Honestly, I was scared. Scared they wouldn't understand. Scared that we would loose our jobs. "I don't know," I lied, "I don't think they're ready to hear it yet." Aleks sighed and rolled away from me. "We aren't even a couple anyway, it doesn't matter," he mumbled, looking away. I stared at him a second.

   "I want us to be," I whispered.

   "Don't be stupid," he laughed.

   "Honestly!" I sat up, sliding my hand under his chin and moving his head in my direction. His cheeks turned a bright pink. "...Have I ever told you, how cute you are when you're embarrassed?" He blushed harder. I looked around, then kissed him softly. I moved my lips to his ear. "I want you all to me. You're my everything," I muttered, lowering my voice. "Be mine, Aleksandr." Aleks sat frozen in his seat a second. He then threw his arms around my neck. "James!"

   "What's going on in here!?" Jordan marched into the room, a pissed off look on his face. "Me and Dan are recording and you're killin' our vibe, guys!"

   "Fuck off, Jordan." I mumbled.

   "Why are you hugging?"

   "Because James just told me he bought me Grand Theft Auto 5. Can't a dude hug another dude without being judged for once!?" Aleks exclaimed.

    Jordan waved his hand at us and jogged back to the co-op office. I turned to him and kissed him gently. He pressed deeper into the kiss, sliding his hands across my chest. I felt as if I was walking on air, and everything around me was gone. All that was there was me and Aleks. I didn't even notice the sound of the garage door opening. Or the sound of a door slamming, or loud footsteps echoing off the walls of the hall. I didn't even notice the sound of keys jiggling and hitting wood. Or the gasps of Eddie.

   Aleks let out a muffled shriek and pulled his mouth from mine. "Eddie!" he yell/whispered. "I didn't see you there..."

   "What the fuck is going on in here!?" Eddie exclaimed. We both shushed him. Aleks climbed off of me and headed towards him.

   "Don't tell anyone, or I swear to god, Eddie. I will kick you out of our home."

   "What the fuck is happening right now!?" Eddie whispered, looking at me then back at Aleks. I got up and stood next to Aleks.

   "Um, it... it's complicated," I mumbled. I knew it wasn't. But I felt awkward explaining it. Aleks gave me a strange look, and I raised one eyebrow at him. He nodded and turned back to Eddie. "Just... don't tell anyone. Okay?!" Aleks poked Eddie's chest.   

   "Wh-why wouldn't you tell me sooner?" Eddie searched Aleks face for an answer. I replied for him.

   "Like I said, it's complicated. We had no idea we would get together. But we did. Just keep your mouth shut."

   Eddie nodded and adjusted his sweatshirt. He then cleared his throat and pushed into his office, closing the door behind him.


Another short chapter, I know. ゚+.(*ノ▲ノ)゚+

It's just that it's finals week, and I've been studying and shit. My grades are not... spectacular, so I have to really work hard this week, because my grades DEPEND on these finals.

Wish me luck. I'm scared.

Love you all. Thanks for the notes! 15... by the hammer of Thor. I know it may not seem like a lot, but it means a lot. ♡

Stay awesome, bros.

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