(4) Still Sick

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    I pulled my hood over my face more, and slipped my hands into my hoodies' sleeves. James took hold of one of my hands. He wore a grey sweater, and jeans. I sniffled. We walked through the busy Wal-Mart, hurrying towards the medicine aisle. "Here," James said, and pulled me into the aisle. I glanced over the pills. I sniffled again.

   "Benedryl, and... and Nyquil..." I whimpered.  James collected the boxes. "And Advil." James smiled at me, and threw the boxes into a small carrier. He took hold of my hand again. I wiped at my nose with my sleeve. "We might as well get groceries while we are here." James murmured. We walked over to the carts.

   I stood by the claw machine, waiting for James to bring the cart. Then I saw it. The electric scooter. I began to walk over to it. "Aleks..." James started, "Don't cause trouble."

   "Since when do you not cause trouble?" James smiled at me and shrugged. "Go ahead, man."

    I climbed onto the scooter and unplugged it from the wall. Just as I was about to go, a large man with a big belly blocked my way. He wore a blue Wal-Mart t-shirt.

   "What do you think you're doing." James came over to him, pushing a cart.

   "Sir, my son here is very sick," he said in a sort of mocking tone. I sneezed. "He can barely walk. So if you don't mind," He began to push the cart into the man's side. "Please move out of his way." The large man sighed and moved. "...What grade are you in?" he said.

   "10th," I lied. "I'm a sophomore." I rode away on my electric scooter. James rolled the cart behind me, laughing. "Oh my god," James chuckled. "A fucking sophomore... I can't believe he fell for it." He pushed his cart into the pizza aisle. I turned into it, and sped up, bumping into his butt. "Bitch!" he cried. I laughed, then coughed. "I think we should just go home," I mumbled, turning the scooter around. I bumped into the shelf behind me. I began to go forward, and slammed into the shelf in front of me. I sighed. James was laughing like a manic.

   "Okay, okay, then let's go. I'll come back later." He left the cart in the aisle, and helped me turn the scooter. He stood on the back of it, and I lunged forward. We paid for my medicine, and sped to the exit. James jumped off in front of the man. I skidded to a stop, and gently plugged it back in. "Thank you, sir." I said, and James "helped" me get up, and held me while we walked. Once we were out of his view, we sprinted to our car. I chuckled, then sniffed. James opened up the box of Benedryl and gave me two, along with his water bottle. I swallowed them, and leaned against the window as James pulled out of the parking lot, and towards our home.


   "Hey, guys," Eddie said as we walked in. He was sitting on the counter, Dan at the kitchen table. Jordan walked in. "Where were you two? And why are you holding hands?" I took my hand back quickly. "Uh, um, I almost slipped on some ice and James caught me and helped me walk into the house, I guess he forgot he was holding mine." They stared at us a minute, then shrugged. "Doing any videos tonight, Aleks?" Eddie asked.

   "N-no, I'm still kind of sick. I don't want to be all nasally and tired sounding. I'll be better soon, though." I walked to my office, closed the door, and laid on my couch. That was a close one... They almost found out... I closed my eyes. I heard laughter erupt from the kitchen. I ignored it.


sorry about the short chapter... still thinking up some ideas.

if you want me to keep updating this one, keep it rollin', just give this a couple of votes, please. ( ̄▽ ̄)

thanks, people

love you♡

≡ヾ(*゚▽゚)ノ bye!♪

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